Changes to the module
Adjusted Crafted Stoneskin Potions. They will now be produced in stack of 2, instead of 1, per successful craft.
Modified all Hard Skin Recipes Drop in quests and their Brewing cost has been increased.
- Song will now be applied to Falchion and Shortspear without any issues.
Fixed the message New Character receives when they log in - Now it will show the correct amount of Gold they were given.
Added in some more tools of mass destruction for Spiffy.
Added a new Item called Rotten Eggs, these should now replace the Old Purifying Tomatoes. They will not cause damage and will still be fun to use, with a new pelting system I designed.
- Removed the old Tomatoes from the Dirty Kid Merchant and the Bazaar and replaced them with the new produce. Happy pelting!
Increased the price of Ethereal Essence at the Bazaar.
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2066
- I tested it to ensure all works well and without any exploits, but do let me know if anything is out of order and if it works as intended now.
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2232
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2231
Dales areas now available IG
Lhal Estate function! Contact PCs IG for more info -
Rumors updated.
There is a new npc in old town named "Hooded Elf"- do not accept his quest as it is presently bugged. I will announce when everything is working.
Fixed loads of tiny bugs that are either exploits/werent reported.
Scripted tons of stuff and features for the Chaos Brigade
Cobble Demon Quest and Monument of Ooze still need a few tweaks, but they are effectively /open for players to smash/. Both are located in Old Town. Have fun!
- A much needed Potion Merchant was added to Old Town.
Monument of Ooze is now 5-12.
Cobble Demons is now 3-8 -
Shaman Mask now ought to spawn the boss
A new high level quest is in the works.
v3178 + v3179
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2250
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2248
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2252
Fixed: tracker.php?p=5&t=2247
Connected the door in the Crafting Wing of the Hardcastle Estate to the outside door(To your left if you come upon the Estate's main entrance).
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2253
Added a signpost outside of Frin's Shop to make it easier to find.
Fixed chairs that couldnt be seated anymore in Arabel North: Shylock's Pub.
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2254
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2255
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2256
As of next Reset
Order Relay: Moved to Eastern Wildlands. No more Wailing Fog Trips.
Orc Camp: The doors are now destroyable, and no longer need a rogue.
Withering Heights: Spawns updated, it is now slightly harder, no other changes.
Frost Giants: Spawns updated, should be a reasonable challenge now instead of a cake walk.
Defense of Durmoth is now max level 10 and has had its reward increased considerably.More quest tweaks incoming.
As of next reset, when the aforementioned version is applied:
Hourly XP system is introduced into the game. Here is how it works:
Between the levels of 1-5 you will get small Hourly XP(Per RL Hour) rewards for playing.
Once you hit level 6 you will stop receiving this reward, and it will only be reapplied if you die bellow 6 again.
There is an AFK mechanism in place to ensure not to give you XP if you havent moved or talked in a certain amount of time. This is done to ensure people dont just stay logged in AFK to leech xp from this system.
Proper messages will be presented to you upon every step or instance.
As of next reset once you get off the Caravan you will be given 1000xp instead of 1xp, meaning starting level will be 2 instead of 1. This will accommodate people with multi-class concepts. Please note: This is a test and if we see the test is unsuccessful we will consider changing the starting level back to 1.
Please make sure to report any bugs or exploits with the two new changes.
On the next reset, all beggars will be removed from the citadel and old town. No longer shall our dire speeches of doom and gloom be interrupted by Nada's Cat giving gold to a beggar.
As of next reset
Added changes and new areas to the swamp ( please advise me directly if there are any issues or Bug report )
Been fixing floating placeable around the server
Worked on Hullack ( main )
New quest added ( to be tested IG )