About CoA Rules
To keep things in one place:
Harassing or insulting other players is against the rules. Never insult another player, even if they have insulted you first, or you will both be banned. Screenshot and email to the DMs instead. This applies to IRC as well.
Cyber sex and graphic acts of violence, specifically rape, are not allowed. To clarify, torture is not against the rules, but if you go overboard then you may be asked to stop. At all times if another player is uneasy about the situation then you must stop and be less descriptive.
Laying traps in public areas requires DM supervision, nor should traps be stacked on top of one another.
You must notify a DM about any faction gear you aquire, unless you're only keeping it for a very short time.
Remember that these rules are not all inclusive. If something feels wrong, then it probably is. Ask a DM when in doubt and use common sense!
On banning;
Lately, several people have asked how to become unbanned. Since it is bothersome to type the procedures again each time, here is a rundown.
The address to turn to is cityofarabel@gmail.com. Add the account name you were using and your public CD key. It needs to be the public part from the primary key you used to install base NWN with. We will then look up in our banlist and decide whether we should let you back in.
If you know who banned you (you should have gotten a warning by the DM before he banned you unless you logged off before a DM could get a hold on you) you can contact this DM directly - only the DM who banned you will decide whether to lift the ban. We do not ban for trivial offenses, so if you are banned the chances that we will be inclined to lift the ban are pretty slim.While buying a new game allows you to play again, we will ban you when we find out. Needless to say, it will reduce your chances of becoming unbanned considerably.
Becoming unbanned is rare, because if you broke server rules once, it is rather likely that you will do it again. And we DMs prefer to play instead of watching possible cheaters. It is possible, but I won't detail how because then it could be faked. I WILL detail what will not work in the hope that these mails subside somewhat. It is bothersome to check our banlist every time someone mails us a faked story.
- Posting here in forum how unfair the banning was will not work and come out quite to the contrary.
- Making up fake stories and character names or omitting crucial parts will not work - we keep a list why everyone was banned.
- Claiming that it was your brother/husband/dog/canary will not work - when IP and CD key match, for us it was you.
- Asking one DM after the other in the hopes one of us will unban you will not work - we DO talk to each other.
- Simply asking "I was banned, unban me. Here is my key ..." will not work - you caused grief or cheated, and we don't ban lightly.
- Making up a CD key will not help - even if we DID decide to unban you, the made-up CD key is not in our list we cannot unban it.
A reminder for all players.
Cybor in all forms is unacceptable in CoA. It doesn’t matter if you’re whispering in the middle of nowhere, in an inn room, or even sending tells – It has to stop. Children play this server and one misdirected tell of graphic content meant for your cybor buddy is going to cause problems.
Keep it to MSN and other formats that are not attached to the server.
Exploiting game mechanics, or other forms of cheating will result in serious concequences. Regardless of how much the dm team, or other players may love you, or your character. Playing successfull characters will not prevent us from vault wiping your account if caught. Shit like this ruins CoA for alot of us, please dont do it.
A reminder for all players.
Cybor in all forms is unacceptable in CoA. It doesn't matter if you're whispering in the middle of nowhere, in an inn room, or even sending tells“ It has to stop. Children play this server and one misdirected tell of graphic content meant for your cybor buddy is going to cause problems.
Keep it to MSN and other formats that are not attached to the server.
Seriously guys? This is a ban-able offence, and there are under aged players here. Don't make me angry
- Harassing or insulting other players is against the rules. Never insult another player, even if they have insulted you first, or you will both be banned. Screenshot and email to the DMs instead. This applies to IRC as well.
This is still a bannable offence. Treat other players with respect. If there is a problem, contact the DM team.
Worst come to absolute worst, it is better to log out in the middle of a frustrating situation and deal with the consequences of that than it is to verbally abuse another player.
- Harassing or insulting other players is against the rules. Never insult another player, even if they have insulted you first, or you will both be banned. Screenshot and email to the DMs instead. This applies to IRC as well.
This is still a bannable offence. Treat other players with respect. If there is a problem, contact the DM team.
Worst come to absolute worst, it is better to log out in the middle of a frustrating situation and deal with the consequences of that than it is to verbally abuse another player.
Posting a reminder on this, it is not a gentle friendly reminder.
We will ban you if you do not treat other players with respect in IRC, forums, or in game. This includes not just insulting people, harassing people, but it also includes 'sour grape' attitudes of claiming other people are only getting rewarded because they're DM favorites, hostile vitriolic that brings a toxic attitude to the community, and even passive aggressive 'complaints about how other people get noticed for things even though you do more'.
Its a game, its suppose to be fun. If you kvetch because other people are getting rewards you wanted, then you're forgetting the game is about fun and the rewards were just there to help make things fun for everyone not just you. When DMs reward a player with a piece of loot, or prestige, or a quest–-it brings more fun, conflict, interaction for everyone else too. Yes, DMs have favorite characters, characters who are doing things to make fun for other players always are our favorite characters--but its not about the player behind that character but what that player is doing through the character to make things fun. You want to be a DM favorite, don't kvetch that you're not, emulate the people getting rewards, seek their advise on what they're doing, ask a DM what you can do to make more fun for people (even if you have limited playtimes or are just a casual player wanting a little more excitement).
You can even complain when there is a problem! To the DMs, vent up--not out.
I'm about to ban a few people if they don't get this through their heads and you've been talked to already by a DM about your attitude if you're one of them--just so no one else is panicked!
- Harassing or insulting other players is against the rules. Never insult another player, even if they have insulted you first, or you will both be banned. Screenshot and email to the DMs instead. This applies to IRC as well.
Can't believe I'm having to point this out again.
Other actions which are absolutely prohibited include: passing equipment from one of your characters to another, in any manner, including using an intermediary; giving people equipment for any ooc reason, including ooc relationships or interactions with a player's "other characters";
Just highlighting this one as a small reminder.
To keep things in one place:
Harassing or insulting other players is against the rules. Never insult another player, even if they have insulted you first, or you will both be banned. Screenshot and email to the DMs instead. This applies to IRC as well.
Cyber sex and graphic acts of violence, specifically rape, are not allowed. To clarify, torture is not against the rules, but if you go overboard then you may be asked to stop. At all times if another player is uneasy about the situation then you must stop and be less descriptive.
Laying traps in public areas requires DM supervision, nor should traps be stacked on top of one another.
You must notify a DM about any faction gear you aquire, unless you're only keeping it for a very short time.
Remember that these rules are not all inclusive. If something feels wrong, then it probably is. Ask a DM when in doubt and use common sense!
Exploiting game mechanics, or other forms of cheating will result in serious concequences. Regardless of how much the dm team, or other players may love you, or your character. Playing successfull characters will not prevent us from vault wiping your account if caught. Shit like this ruins CoA for alot of us, please dont do it.
No matter how long you have played here, or whatever excuse you may have. This is not okay.
Only your main character is allowed to join factions, do not get your alt involved in plots your main character is involved with. Always ask a player who's plot you're getting involved with if it is okay that your alt gets involved. Same if you're joining a DM event, communication is vital and ask before you logg off to join with your main.
Most importantly, be polite to players and don't be rude just cause they're playing an alt character. If you have concerns, contact a DM.