"And in this land I'll proudly stand
Until my dying day, sir;
For whate'er a king o'er all command,
I'll still be a Cormyte brave, sir."
+1 To the encouragement to play Cormyrian loyalists. Can pm me on irc to discuss concept ideas.
"And in this land I'll proudly stand
Until my dying day, sir;
For whate'er a king o'er all command,
I'll still be a Cormyte brave, sir."
+1 To the encouragement to play Cormyrian loyalists. Can pm me on irc to discuss concept ideas.
Active, but limited time on weekdays because of school starting up again.
Best way to get into contact with me regarding plots or whatever is over IRC, or by sending a forum PM.
Alot of players have asked me opinions on pvp and conflict, and how to handle it in v5. I made this post a couple months back in General, but reposting it here, for easier access at the urging of another dm.
Its often stated, that conflict is what drives stories on CoA. To a large extent this is true, but is often misunderstood.
My most enjoyable characters have all been heavily embroiled in intrigues and conflicts with other player characters, and its been that interaction that has kept me logging in again, and again, even when DM plots had died, or grown stagnant.
That said, there are few things that have made me want to log in less, then characters intent on creating conflict, for conflicts sake. Who have played avatars to push conflict oriented goals IG, to facilitate the conflict (pvp) they desire.
Conflict for conflicts sake is bad, because it overlooks a key element of the CoA experience. "The Human Element". Characters, with personalities, goals, desires and traits that exist outside the realm of "dm plots" or "server altering goals". Characters that pursue their own agendas, reacting realistically and naturally to the setting, and allowing conflict to spring up, naturally.
Why then is this "Human Element" so important to the CoA experience in my opinion. To answer that, I need to return to the statement of it being conflict that drives stories. When I said that it is in large parts true, that conflict drives stories, but also misunderstood, what I meant was that conflict, is not a desirable end in and of itself. What is desirable, and what truly creates and drives compelling stories is uncertainty coupled with a healthy emotional attachment to the characters and plots involved. Conflicts role in this, is that conflict is a very effective way to create this state of uncertainty.
When players are invested in a healthy way to characters. When they are more then empty avatars, then conflict creates a state that compels progression of the story, to resolve that state of uncertainty. But this requires both parties of the conflict to be respectful of this mindset. The pursuit of meaningful conflict and when warranted meaningful pvp.
This is not to say that if you are playing a villain, and heroes oppose you, that you could not, or should not kill, or otherwise harm them if they don't leave you alone. I feel very strongly that to be a hero, there needs to be risk of serious consequences of aspiring for that mantle. I only ask, that in a situation like this, the villain, and heroes that rise up to oppose each other be more then empty avatars, with real goals beyond furthering conflict.
A man that sold his soul to a devil to be able to strike out at a noble that killed his wife will almost certainly come into conflict with team "good", but the character was created with the intention of playing out a story, not stirring up conflict, or engaging in pvp.
So, all said, what do I feel is the role of conflict on CoA?
Its a tool, to facilitate meaningful stories. When used that way, it makes CoA really shine. Even when corpses, and ended player stories accompany it. When used to facilitate OOC desire for adrenaline rush, not so much. Even if no one dies.
Alot of the intrigue or mystery on CoA is lost when people share current happenings on irc, or other ooc mediums, removing the need to investigate IG. Please, make a concerted effort to avoid doing this with currently relevant information/plots/intrigues/mysteries/romance gossip. This will be policed in IRC, and temp bans handed out if warnings dont work.
Setting Information:
Arabel has entered its fifth incarnation. The setting picks up eleven years after events that ended v4. Cormyr was devastated when the Stormhorn Mountains, turning out to be the corpse of a primordial entity, one that was granted new life by the blood of martyrs to its cause. While devastated, the region survived total destruction due to the actions of adventurers hailing from Arabel, as well as through the deployment of a lost elven contingency weapon.
Over the years, not only Cormyr has changed. The forest of Cormanthyr have been reclaimed by elven armies, and remain one of Arabel's few allies against outside aggression. Sembia has fallen under sway of the Shadovar, and imposes heavy trade restrictions on Cormyr, starving the once prosperous nation when it most needs wealth to rebuild.
Arabel, cut off and isolated from mainland Cormyr, is both a place of considerable danger, and great possibility. Hardcastle associates discovered a new material, Mythalite, one that soon proved to be very valuable, and has caused an influx of brave men and women willing to make their fortunes on the frontier, serving prospectors and delving the ancient Netherese ruins that Arabel was built on. Dangerous, and far from certain to enrich you even if you live, the success of those few prospectors that succeed inspire more to risk their lives and futures for fortune. Rumors have recently started to surface of dark shadows lurking in the ruins, but so far they are discarded as superstition or the odd remaining aberrant monsters.
Setting Themes
-A Nation in Recovery
Twenty years ago Cormyr was a nation to rival any on Faerun. Heroism, and patriotism still exists, and many Cormyrian Braves are still found in Arabel, though their patriotism is a more pragmatic kind. Cormyr has weathered many crisises, but with the wealth coming into the nation from mythalite, it is recovering. Many are worried that Cormyr's closest trade allies are now Thayan wizards rather than the hearty Dalelands or Sword Coast, but with wealth flowing into the city and additional sea ports in Arabel, trade is bringing immigrants and investments into a nation that only a year ago appeared to be dying.
Valiant noblemen, cunning wizards, and heroic adventurers are coming to the city of Arabel in Cormyr now, seeing that city beginning to shine once again as the crown jewel of Cormyr, a center of trade, diplomacy, and danger.
-Realities of the Frontier
If the calamity a decade ago forced hard realities on the nation as a whole, no where are these realities felt harder then in the Frontier settlement of Arabel. The city is still rebuilding a decade after major flooding and disaster, and the wilderness outside the Citadel district has grown wilder and more dangerous over the past decade. Allies that can be trusted are few and far between, and even those that can be found have interests and agendas of their own. Those that make their way in Arabel must reconcile themselves to these new realities. Friends and a safe place to lay your head are often more valuable then gold, and even the righteous must think twice before turning away help from unsavory would be allies. Isolated and largely alone, Arabel, and those that call it home must forge their way as best they can.
-Weight of History
Cormyr has a long and varied history. Netherese, elves, and human kingdoms have called it home before Cormyr was formed. And all these have left their mark. Lost ruins, magic and lore still can be found for those that are willing to tread the wilderness and light less-halls, and brave the dangers that await within. Many of Arabels biggest threats, the primordial being the latest, and most notable example have been ones left behind long age, and it may be that the people of Arabel will need to contend again with the weight of history before all is said and done.
-A Time of Great Opportunity…
Wealth, power, lost and forbidden lore are all available. As is the means for adventurers looking to leave their name in history. There is no shortage for possible avenues for adventures in the Arabel that has formed, and much like an blank book is ready for Adventurers to write their own tales, and dictate how the future of the city unfolds.
Puffy n00bed out and posted all her spoiler screenies at once so now I have to write something. More tomorrow on the server themes.
Setting Backdrop:
Hard times have fallen on the Forest Kingdom, and Arabel finds itself experiencing death throes as the once proud frontier city is forced to confront new realities.
Setting Themes:
-A Nation in Decline
-Realities of the Frontier
-Weight of History
-A Time of Great Opportunity…
-...And Fear of an Uncertain Future
Like people no doubt noticed, I was gone a bit over a week, and plots were put on hold. Brother brought back a nice gift in the form of a foreign south american bug that KOed my ass. Slowly starting to feel human again. In a day or two, things will start to pick up IG. Get me on irc, or with a pm if you need me for anything, or to inform me of whats been doing regarding said plots in my absence.
The spell negative energy burst is being changed from CL + d8 damage to d4 damage per CL capping at 10d4 at lvl 10. Should be in the mod starting next reset.
Updated with next event time. Sorry for short notice. Thought I posted this earlier.
A bit earlier this time, to accomodate EU people.
Event names will keep getting cornier and cornier. You have been warned.
Some people have already shared with me their plans to pursue things about this in smaller groups, but anyone else that is interested can pm me.
"The Long Night Has Ended. The New Dawn Comes." Lady Marliir, 26th Kython, Summer 1382 DR
A continuation of the "Bhresken Revival" Plotline, delving into as the name suggests the frozen city of Bhresken Point, the Netherese Ruins below Arabel, and circumstances surrounding both. Major plot events running twice a week, (One during the week, one during the weekend) with mini events and pc initiative happening whenever there is oppertunity and interest.
Events run so far:
Lady Marliirs Concerns
Unanswered Questions
Daggers In The Dark
Event taking part saturday at roughly this time.
http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/f ... 1=101&ah=2
Anywhere from 30-60 minute delay in starting up may occur because of RL.
Anyone interested in getting involved with the history of the setting, and something potentially server changing are welcome to join, even if they missed the previous event/s. IG sendings will be made.
Level Suggestion:
Lvl 4-5+, any lower then that can come, but there will be no raises for those that die.
Disclaimer: No free raises, and real consequences to characters might take place, including permdeath based on character choices.