Changes to the module
Fixed a few minor bug reports.
Cleaned up the Pool of Eldath after IG events. Spawns in the area have not been adjusted yet so if you see Undead there, don't panic! The ritual worked.
Changes should take effect next reset.
Moved Gypsy Quest quest giver to be closer to the Tomb. Also–that tomb was NEVER Ashby's and never had anything to do with Ashby despite the map note so that bug got fixed too.
Orc Springs quest giver got moved to Eastern Wildlands to be closer to his quest (no more hike to Hullack and back for him) but he's not in exactly the same spot on the map now look to closer to the Twisted Maze entrance.
Nada can be solo'ed to make life easier for people level 1-4 who have trouble finding parties.
Several orcs got power levels adjusted to less challenging levels after the recent update to their power. In a few cases we over estimated what a few points of STR or AB meant in terms of their pure damage calculations and so AB or damage were turned down to compensate. Fixed a bug with the Fists of Bhagtru that resulted in them having vastly too much HP and damage for their challenge rating.
Adjusted Waves of Grain, historically this quest has had odds of being a cake walk or a TPK because of how spawns were randomly determined. I adjusted it to tone up the odds of spawning CR 3-5 creatures (ie foes suitable for level 3-5 characters to fight) and reduce the odds of spawning the CR 6-9 foes (especially the orc war shamans which ideally should not spawn in multiples on this quest with any regularity).
As always, please realize that we have a bug forum and a suggestion forum to bring issues to our attention so we can make necessary adjustments without thinking that mistakes or bugs are some actual goal the DM team is seeking to create in order to make the server "hard core" or "action based'.
Recent challenges are designed to make fighting orcs feel different from fighting goblins, to have players adopt strategies for fighting ogres that are different from their strategies for fighting gnolls--while not making things substantially harder. It'd be great to see clerics and wizards know that when they go to fight orcs that certain offensive and defensive spells are more useful than those they'd want when going to fight trolls. That's the goal-more fun and strategy only.
Eveningstar has been updated to reflect yesterdays event, various little new things to discover
Blue goblins now drop bounty items similar to other goblins!
Forge has been added to the Furies Temple
Park Bench has been added outside Congress
Bounty Reward items have been updated
New Bounty Monster being balanced! -
Blue Goblin Hunter now works, yay!
Pleb court show now make it possible to do the skill checks to finish the quest
Council has 3 new rooms for 2nd rank members!
Thunderholme has a messenger boy, sender to come
Couple of signs in Old Town, like shylock's basement -
Eveningstar now has a spawn point, with lots of updates to reflect IG events
Many many maaaaaaaany bugs fixed, keep those reports coming
Raise dead Pc on PC still having issues, sorry guys!
Illithids are now part of the bounty board -
New lvl 1-5 quest
Portal quests now available by alternative route
Dwarf Camp has a PC Spawn Point
Various bugs fixed -
Area spawns have been edited to make it work better! Please take extra care when venturing around the module
New lvl 3-10 quest, should be working now. Maybe?
New lvl 7-12 quest should also be working, maybe? -
New quests should be all working fine now :) if not please bug report
King's Swamp has a new look
Various plot stuff dotted around the module -
Clar Banda's tomb has become more user friendly
All 3 new quests now function as they should!
CARES have been bug fixed, should be a lot more around
Albino Cragcat Bag has been updated to be worth making
Restoration should now be available from all NPC clerics IG that sell healing spells -
Haunted Painting, Scrambled Eggs, Aldek's Bear Claw and Silent Song have had their difficulty risen, some quest may have had minor tweaks to their balance as well.
Tweaks to Silent Song Boss, scales better now
Tweaks to Hanse Tree
Tweaks to CARES, a larger mix of creatures should spawn now
Black Smithing has been rebalanced to match with the other crafting tools!
Whetstone merchants have been introduced -
Final tweaks have been made to Hanse tree
New gems made available for crafting amongst various merchants
Crafting gems and flowers now can also drop on some quests -
Blacksmithing is now possible to craft IG with the new balanced stats
To see the stats, go here! viewtopic.php?t=171751&p=983461
Mithril crafting coming soon -
The Effluvial lake has been updated after recent events -
.hrt has been added, further details look: viewtopic.php?t=91123&p=985046
Clar Banda's tomb once more spawn creatures -
Hanse Quest balanced a bit
Wood items in Lumberjack now can be used by druids(lul)
Pyramid in Stonelands has more lore/stuff inside it, along with better placed traps/spawns -
Castle Assault has had it's loot and AI looked at
Castle Assault now "only" need 5 people minimum in party
Whetstone merchant remove temporarily whilst I smash the toolset apart -
New dye merchant is in Old Town
Aunkspear Quest has had update to it's loot and spawns, bit more exciting now. Still ugly quest sadly
Couple of tweaks to CARES spawns there spawned too often.Note, rushing over the trigger spamming them do not make things appear more. Come back another day or later, don't run around in circles looking dumb(or smart if you think you do)! Thanks
Eveningstar has been updated, along with NPC convos in regards of its story