• Wildshape Update

    4 Posts

    This should also be implemented next reset.
    The old system is still 100% functionnal, but if you want to use chat commands it should work.

    The script was altered slightely to be up to date with the CoA version. There was some bug and exploit with wildshape that were fixed in the past, I don't want them to pop up again. :)

    You must write the correct name of the shape you want to take. I added a lowercase function on the string so it doesn't matter if you use small or capital letters.

    Further changes to the wildshape system should be applied to both nw_s2_wildShape and ws_translate now.

  • XP issuse

    8 Posts


    Clever idea Deloril. SetXP is far better in this case because there is no way of exploiting it. Unless some people want to delevel on purpose so you might want to keep if (GetHitDice(oPC) == 1) {.

  • Weapon Focus constants

    5 Posts

    Yanks, guys!

  • Include File - Pure Class Functions

    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Does the Character Token Store Spell States on Logg out?

    3 Posts

    Spell Removal on Relogging wrote:
    Since the script that restored spells to the logout state caused a lot of lag and even TMIs in some cases, I have set the module for a somewhat harsher stance which will not cause lag.

    If you cast a spell spontaneously OR changed your spellbook after casting some spells, ALL of your spells will be stripped when you log back in.

    Now that I got you confused, here are some examples:

    Cathy Cleric goes on a quest, casts some spells but no spontaneous cure spells. She crashes then, and logs back in. All spells will return to what they were.
    Then her memorized cure spells run out, and she casts a few spontaneously. She crashes again, and this time the spell remover has a problem since it does not know what spell to remove. The old version checked for an available spell of the same level, which worked, but caused the bouts of lag and TMIs you noticed. The new version says "Sorry Cathy, but the benefit of many is worth more than the benefit of one Cathy, even if the 'many' are idling in the market". All spells are removed to prevent the lag issue.

    The same applies to Willy Wizard who casts, say, Ghostly Visage and then exchanges the spell in his spell book for Bulls Strength. When he logs back in, the script tries to remove a GV spell which is not in his book any more. To prevent exploits, I remove ALL spells.

  • Template AC Bonus

    5 Posts

    Creature hides in Neverwinter nights always give Deflection AC is teh problem, and not especially fixable.

    Though Armor amulets and barkskin will work on you in compensation.

  • Werewolf?

    2 Posts

    You'll need to make an item or chat command that triggers a script that turns you into a werewolf or the wolf form.

    The script that turns you into a werewolf or a wolf will use mainly a polymorph command that looks like this.

    eVis = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_COM_CHUNK_BONE_MEDIUM); eMorph = EffectPolymorph(iMorph); //Make it an Extraordinary Effect and thus not removable via standard dispel. eXMorph = ExtraordinaryEffect(eMorph); ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eVis, oPC); ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, eXMorph, oPC);

    oPC is an object pointing to the PC that is shifting.
    iMorph is an integer refering to a line in the text file polymorph.2da.

    You will have to place an edited version of polymorph.2da in your NWN\override directory. You can find the original in the NWN\source directory. Add the new shapes for your custom werewolf in polymorph.2da after the default ones already in the file. You can change a few things there like portrait, appearance, claws, bite and skin, bonus hitpoints and bonus to stats.

    Once all of this is done, you can also additional bonus by adding item properties on a skin that is equiped when you shift into a werewolf.

    I hope that helps a bit to get started.