• Changes and Updates

    3 Posts

    The Ministers, The Chaos Brigade, The Scriptorium, House Paertrover, House Beorhtre,House Tammarast are no longer available as DM factions

  • Crown Forces

    3 Posts

    The Purple Dragon Army

    _For King and Country
    Little can be said to symbolize Cormyr better than the men and women of the Purple Dragon Army. Consisting entirely of volunteers, the professional army has for almost 1000 years been part of the Cormyrean society. Highly respected in most of Cormyr, the loyal soldiers wearing adorned in Purple swear fealty solely to the Royal family, and are largely viewed, alongside the War Wizards, to be the main reason behind the relative peace The Forest Kingdom has always known. The Army of the Purple Dragons are tasked with ensuring the Forest Kingdom remains safe and united, battling everything from foreign armies, orcan war bands, or rebellious nobles. Whatever enemy they face, they are famous throughout Faerun for their valor, bravery, and fierce loyalty to the Royal family. In Arabel, the army is stationed at Castle Eveningstar, under the command of Lord Commander Crimmon Paertrover.

    When applying on creation, two positions in the Purple Dragon Army are available; Road Captains and Royal Scouts, both positions equal in rank to a Sword Captain.

    Road Captains are Officers in the army, who work outside the normal command structure of the army, allowing them greater mobility and maneuverability. They typically act independently or supported by a small handful of selectively chosen blades, and are often being entrusted with special missions by the Crown.
    The Royal Scouts of Cormyr are the elite order of Scouts in service to the Crown. They are most famous for their work roaming alone or in small adventuring parties disrupting the operations of Cormyr's enemies. They are usually deployed individually or in small groups to serve as messengers and spies.

    Ranking Structure

    Blades - Entry level rank, requires no application.

    Road Captain / Royal Scout - Officers - Can be earned IG by service as a blade (Recommended) or applied for On Creation.

    Lionar / Pathfinder - Rewarded to officers who perform exemplary.

    Purple Dragon Knight / Scout Commander - Those who truly excel, are elevated to these ranks, or have been known to be offered noble titles and more.

    How to Join:
    No application is required to join the faction as a blade. You can also apply On-creation, where you will start as either Road Captain or as a royal Scout.
    Players will be expected in their applications to detail a storyline that involves the specific mission given to them in this region, or the reason for pursuing a commission as a Purple Dragon Officer (in case of those wanting to earn it in game).

    Human or half-elf, other races are considered on a case by case basis

    Road Captains must be able to wear full plate and wield martial weapons
    Royal Scouts must be able to wear light armor and wield martial weapons, as well as having some capability in stealth

    LG, NG, LN, TN. All other alignments on a case by case basis_

  • Arabel City Militia

    4 Posts


  • Factions

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