Spiffy / Huecuva
Application for Huecuva-
“Of all the world’s dreadful things, the most terrible by far is the empty grave.”Name: Lester Hornwall
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Deity: Orcus
Class: Cleric, Death, Undeath Domains
Race: HumanInspiration Source Material:
Biography: Lester Hornwall is a Skull-Priest of Orcus posing as a philosopher of the Abstraction, dedicated to the precept of death and openly vaunting as a reluctant necromancer seeking to give all life a choice between death and undeath- the truth is that he is a sick, sadistic demonic cultist with the mental fortitude to suppress his urges and sickly deprivations to pose as a man of empathy, reason, and logic. He wants to see the world shamble in a tide of entropy and undeath, forever warring and in conflict, never resting and adulating his demonic masters…
I am applying for: Huecuva (Undead)
I intend to earn it by: Betraying Capt_Elrad’s sorcerer in Deadwell’s Altar Room and sacrificing him to Orcus in the midst of our ritual.
A Huecuva is an undead priest of a dark god, always evil, dedicated to the domains of evil, death, and undeath. Depending on the setting, they lose their sentience, but in certain DnD settings, they are sentient and capable of reason and speech, talented cult leaders for gods whose domains include undeath.The stats I would propose would be:
Regen +2 (or allow self targeting of inflict wound spells).
And -5 DR
Traditional Undead Immunities.Accomplishments:
Set up an evil faction guised as a mercenary/philosopher group.
Open necromancer that wasn’t immediately lynched. Persists in advocating for undeath via ‘discussions’ on the injustness of death and how the silence grants us an opportunity to be more open of ‘undeath.’
Caused mayhem and havoc via undeath attacks on Hillmarch and The House of Ash, as well as the dwarven embassy.
Walked all over Cotton’s Ashes at his own trial and wasn’t executed.
Caused shenanigans with Erebus’ ORB plot.
Forged a tentative alliance with Latok’s Winter Fae.
Went on a DM quest and bled the moon (voss).Goals:
Be remembered as one of Arabel’s greatest villains (OOC goal).
When a player dies, allow them the option to return as an undead (weak undead, ghoul, wraith, etcetera. Allow starting undead PCs?)
Have Orcus acknowledged as both the god of undeath, and death.
Wound and bleed the kingdom by chipping away at its outer villages and settlements till only the city remains, creating a hostile, undead infested wilderness.
Other such evil shenanigans as they become available…Hopes, Wishes, And Plans:
Take control of the Haunted Halls and leave behind a legacy as it becomes a bastion of evil and villainy for good people to assail and conquer.
Leave behind areas filled with shambling undead.
Get a statue made of me made out the bones of my enemies. -
I haven't put a vote up because Spiffy has said he doesn't think he's at the point yet where he's earned this, its an end goal he's working toward and the final arc for his character.
I suppose I am posting it up to gauge the sentiment on whether we could, ultimately, accommodate this? How we would, and what it would look like.
I'm personally of the opinion I like our players being able to achieve anything so long as they do a good enough job of the journey. If we can script this without too much pain, I've no qualms in principle with allowing it.
That said, I need to read up on what, exactly, a Huecuva is, I believe Voss mentioned they can't communicate in common tongue, just screeches and howls, so it might be that we have to fashion our own homebrew interpretation of it.
Edit: Sent the source material in the Dungeon Masters channel, "The Ashen Covenant - Wizards of the Coast.pdf"
per our discord discussion: https://discord.com/channels/366755644256157698/509453738117824535/1319291371999330334
essentially this would be end-game. i dont want an adventuring heucuva.
Spiffy asked for an update. I told him there's a reluctance to permit any form of Undead PC, and if it was a story arc he wanted to pursue it'd likely be as a retirement event rather than anything he'd be able to play out longterm.
I encouraged him toward a more traditional Palemaster route, which is the conventional payoff for a well played Necromancer. But told him any reward, whatever it is, is still very much EiG, so to keep plugging away.
He's been smashed by work in RL the last few weeks, but beforehand was making waves, hopefully he picks up where he left off and delivers the awesome.
Next week, as time allows, I'm going to help the Ashen Covenant group to assault Irondrake. Spiffy would like to pair this with the ascension of his character, Lester, as a Palemaster. In advance of that, I wanted to gauge the teams sentiment on how they feel he's come along with the character toward that goal.
Lester started out strong, caused some waves and certainly gained a reputation for nefarious necromancy. Post Christmas, the activity has faltered as has the DMless provocation. Question is, do we feel he's done enough with the early flurry to earn this PrC?
Thoughts appreciated.
I havent seen Spiffy in game in weeks (a month?). What's he been doing to warrant assaulting a settlement? Why Irondrake? What's it mean to him? or is it just a "seemingly easy target"?
Anyone for anymore?
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