Sturdy Ragefist/Eithne Nintuas/Feytouched [WITHDRAWN]
Account Name: Sturdy Ragefist /Character Name: Eithne Nintuas / Applying for: Subrace
Feytouched Elf /Rogue /Chaotic Neutral /Level 4/Eithne Nintuas
What specific perk: Special Background
I want to hire adventurers to go hunting with, specifically exotic creatures. I will cause some mischief and mayhem by finding key players (with permission) hunting them as well. Helping others in the Unseelie court with tasks.Eithne was born pale and cold child, thought dead until she started crying. raised among other elves, she often found herself distant as she read books about the fey. trained like most elves, she took to the bow well but her features of fey heritage started to show. she loved to hunt, to stalk her pray.
she had come to realize her bloodline and wished to embrace it, to become one with the hunt. training herself she began to hunt animals and beasts, seeking larger, stronger pray.Other- A few examples of how you plan to portray the sub-race. (snow white skin, charcoal black eyes, Black hair with frosted white tips. a chilling aura and the slightest sound of crunching snow, regardless of what the ground is.) Like most fey, she will hide her real name, and try to get others.
Track and hunt down a list of creatures to prove I am worthy to join the Dark Hunt.
Creature list:
Young Dragon
Frost Wyvern
pack of winter wolves
a Basilisk
Direbear -
none of this says fey/winter court to me tbh
"born pale and cold child", she might just as well be deathtouched
"loved to hunt, to stalk her pray", she might just well be a lycan or a malarite or any number of beings"the Dark Hunt"
"One of the more notable groups within the Unseelie Court was the Dark Hunt, also known as the Wild Hunt after the phenomenon in which they participated. This group was a loose organization of the most skillful hunters among the Unseelie. The Queen sent them on all manner of missions to fetch various things or creatures for her entertainment, and they were expected to obey her commands without question."
Kill x mob isn't an engaging or interesting story. Their current goal could be translated as "spam quests" -- that's about the only way I see this character drawing interest from others.
Also, as Echo has said, nothing about this says Feytouched besides the mention of the Wild Hunt.
No thanks.
Don't feel like this needs to be a feytouched.
I might recommend he talk to Latok about Fey/Winter Court. I'll ask Latok first, of course, it it would be alright.
E Echo moved this topic from Player Applications on