[Rejected] Gloomy Dragontouched
1. Character: Black Dragontouched/Cleric-Fighter/NE/4/Wulfhram
2. Applying for: Dragontouched subrace
3: Goals and how I will interact with players
Wulfhram will act as a villain to some, and saviour to others, working within the House of Ash he will be a bane to necromancers and the undead, however he will simultaneously be hoarding necromantic artefacts, and writings as part of his own obsession with immortality.
As an open cleric of Cyric he will immediately attract suspicion and enmity from large swathes of the population, including within the House of Ash, which he will seek to join. However his mission to put the undead (that are not there by the will of Cyric) to rest will aid in his entry. PC necromancers encountered will be given the option to convert or die, before being brought into the House of Ash for punishment.Seeing fealty to a mortal as a sign of weakness he will hold little respect for those in House Braerwinter, and will only offer grudging respect to those in Delzuld should they display cunning.
Ultimately Wolfhram plan's to convert areas that are hold outs to the dead gods, into holy sites devoted to Cyric (Deadwell primarily). Obsessed with undeath and the possiblity of immortality, he believes within Deadwell there is a means open that will allow him to obtain this.
4. Player: Playing under the handle PatronSaintOfDisappointment
5: Brief Bio
Wulfhram was born into servitude, his family were subject to generational experiments by an elven wizard who sought to utilise Dragontouched servants for his own ends. The wizard's tower was raided by a group of bandits, among which was a cleric of Cyric who raised the young dragontouched in the ways of the new God of the dead, valuing intimidation and strength as a means of obtaining respect and power. He taught Wulfhram that there were places of necromantic power, where one could perform rituals in the eyes of Cyric, and obtain immortality. By the time that the bandits were finally ousted Wulfhram was a young man, and escaped into the wilderness of Northern Cormyr, eventually finding his way to the fledgling Kingdom of Arabel.6: Portrayal of Dragontouched
Wulfhram's mouth full of razor sharp teeth, visible scales in the hairline of his jet black hair, and his massive size will make it immediately obvious that he is not human. His draconic heritage will also be portrayed by his bullying, intimidating nature, and his willingness to use fear to achieve his aims. -
Asked him about the character ADD:
Well my last character, Caleb, was outed as a necromancer, and it made no sense for him to hang around.
The one before that, moric, was part of a group concept one of which suicide to go and play his previous character
I’m ordinarily all for more characters in game, but does anyone expect this character to be around in a week or two if approved?
Feels like we’re teetering on the edge of being City of Subraces as well with the recent spate of characters.
I’m inclined to vote a rare no.
I'm in the same boat.
The player really needs to show they can stick to a character. It's hard to take the app seriously as I also feel like they will drop the concept at the first hurdle.
His previous character was also a cleric of Cyric. Sounds like the same exact concept with boosted stats.
Would like to see a char played to completion(or near) before considering an app.
Lately(speaking for myself) it has contributed the work load when players are jumping PCs frequently
just need to convey these things openly to him
i'm predicting that he will say "i will stick with this one because it interests me" (or something along those lines)
but there is a lack of trust that he will stick with it
caleb being outed should NOT have been the end of his story but rather a catalyst to be at least a somewhat interesting villain
No from me and I will keep voting no on his apps until he can prove me wrong. Especially after the Ashkara fiasco.
I’ll talk to him and tell him the news.
Hangman [UTC+0] — Today at 20:27
Gimme a shout when you're about buddo.gloomy_sunday — Today at 20:28
I'm about
What's up?Hangman [UTC+0] — Today at 20:32
App has been rejected I’m afraid. Consensus is a want to see you get over the hump of this character ADD. Appreciate you’ve said its the last two characters, but its stretched back longer than that.I used to suffer horribly with it myself. I’d jump from concept to concept trying to find something that clicked and nothing ever did. I'd try increasingly more elaborate concepts but they made no difference. In the end, I abandoned all the window dressing and just tried to find a character that interested me and attach it to a group, and it properly sucked me back in. I'm not sure if that's the answer, can only say what worked for me, but I don't think there's any belief you'll still be playing this character in a week as it stands.
gloomy_sunday — Today at 20:32
OkayHangman [UTC+0] — Today at 20:33
Any questions, anything else?gloomy_sunday — Today at 20:33
NoneHangman [UTC+0] — Today at 20:34
I'd smash through a non-app character and see it through to completion, try and find your groove again. If you want any help with anything gimme a shout.--
Rejected and informed.
E Echo moved this topic from Player Applications on