People and beings of influence and power
Corianne el van Dorn
Lesser daughter of a small noble house, no noble etiquette, rumors speak of thievery and crimes attached to their name.What they value or seek.
A fish of albino skin, for the love of another.
To be desired by others.
Weaving lies with half truths, creating their own narrative.
Gold.Where they can be encountered.
A shop in Immersea, too their servants dwell in Eveningstar with one of their own.How they can aid us in our plans.
They make sendings and whispers in their search for adventure, worthy of attending if cautious.What are the risks in treating with them.
Distrusted, regarded with open yet silent distain and mistrust by many.
Prone to underhanded insults, even upon brief encounters.
No honor. A thief some claim. A necromancers puppet others whisper.Servants:
Ahren - A common man of the wild, quiet. Does not show any educational knowledge of servants, nobility, or society. Does however, walk with the wild.
Ericka - Another common woman of the wild, less quiet. Brash and plain spoken. No formal training either. Has a bite. -
Xavier of the Dwindling Stars
Priest of death and war, high ranking member of the House of AshWhat they value or seek.
Discipline and honor.
Respecting the fallen.
To slay necromancers and bring the undeath to rest.Where they can be encountered.
Their humble abode is outside the West Gates, surrounded by death.How they can aid us in our plans.
Respectful towards the Prince, gifted two powerful items as a welcoming gift to a guest of these lands. As is our custom, and the first to do so.
Experienced with battling those whom manipulate the plane of shadows, essential in our battle against the shades of our enemies.
Aligns with honor and discipline, not prone to throw themselves at the feet of others.What are the risks in treating with them.
Their loyalty is first and fore most, with their faith.
Handles the dead, may know more than what they share. -
The One With Wind In Her Step, Alizee
Explorer, albino, essence of wind.What they value or seek.
Exploration, discovery, freedom.
To map the world around them.
Adventure.Where they can be encountered.
Faceless Inn, the wilderness.How they can aid us in our plans.
Offers maps of the land, for a price.
Gifted the oasis encampment to our heavenly Prince.
Eager to show the lay of the land, and explore its secrets with others.
Has shown an interest in our heavenly Prince, and to aid against the shades of the shadow plane.What are the risks in treating with them.
Flighty, undisciplined, and eager to get along with many. -
Pasha Braerwinter
Descendant of rulers of a keep deep within the Storm Horns, competes against Delzuld to regain its control.What they value or seek.
Control of the keep of the Storm Horns, and a title of Baron
Prefers military prowess, known to get involved directlyWhere they can be encountered.
Humble estate outside the North Gates, opposite DelzuldHow they can aid us in our plans.
Favoring the Storm Horns, their servants are eager to prove their worth
Their knowledge of the mountains is well known
They have the respect of elves and dwarves, evident in their ranking servantsWhat are the risks in treating with them.
Their first and fore most concern is the Storm Horns
Their servants are not well-educated in other skills, focusing on offensive abilities and survival in the wilderness
Any alliance will enrage Delzuld
Any alliance with Delzuld, will enrage themServants:
Nadia, elf - Witch spell blade, prone to emotional outbursts and strange comments. Flighty like most of her kin, prone to obsesses over details (believes herself touched by dragons, despite no evidence of such). Prone to rush in and nearly ending her life, does not learn from the experience. Has shown respect to the stars.
Thrarid, dwarf - Of the mountains, with a thick accent, likely only recently joined human settlements. Brash and rough, but honorable and willing to accept differences. Shows more patience and useful abilities than the elf.
Yoric, human - Unknown, smith -
Pasha Delzuld
Descendant of rulers of a keep deep within the Storm Horns, competes against Braerwinter to regain its control.What they value or seek.
Control of the keep of the Storm Horns, and a title of Baron
Prefers the tapestry of the arcane, and clever planningWhere they can be encountered.
Humble estate outside the North Gates, opposite BraerwinterHow they can aid us in our plans.
Favoring the Storm Horns, their servants are well educated and takes a more calm approach to matters which concerns them
Prefers humans above all other races
One of their servants hails from Calimshan and is most valuable
Better versed in high society and noble etiquette, opening potential doors
Their measured approach to the issues at hand allows for a more delicate approach than the brute force of BraerwinterWhat are the risks in treating with them.
Their first and fore most concern is the Storm Horns
Their silver tongue may hide secrets and ill-intentions
Past servants who stained their reputation were swiftly removed, a sore topic
Their preference of humans is ill-regarded by the local adventurers
Any alliance will enrage Braerwinter
Any alliance with Braerwinter, will enrage themServants:
Retainer Nathaniel P. Emberlane - Scholar of the arcane, master of the body. An elegant retainer as the Ardavir before him, with a keen eye for possibilities. has proven respectful towards our traditions.
Ardavir Talriq el-Rashid - Scholar of the arcane, a spell blade of measured approach and intelligence. Well versed in both local and Calimshan customs. Has invited our heavenly Prince, or his servants, to visit the estate of his master. Khalil has been assigned to this venture. Respectful and well mannered, with great potential. Greater risk, but may offer great assistance for planning and measured approaches. -
Amadeus of Lady Fire Hair
Romantic warrior of honor and love.What they value or seek.
Love, passion, and the exotic.
Seeks to bring thieves and criminals to justice.
Promotes beauty.Where they can be encountered.
Faceless InnHow they can aid us in our plans.
Somewhat capable in combat.
A man of honor and law.
Desires to vanquish evil and the ugly from this world.
Easily manipulated with Khalil's charm.What are the risks in treating with them.
Takes a great deal of risks in combat. -
The Untamed One, Daern
Druid of the hunt.What they value or seek.
Balance in nature, and for its rules to be obeyed.
No waste acceptable, everything has its use.
The hunt.Where they can be encountered.
The wild, at times the Faceless.How they can aid us in our plans.
Knowledgeable of the natural order of the land, more so than most.
Capable warrior, able to turn into wild beasts.
Leans greatly in honor of word and action.What are the risks in treating with them.
Bloodthirsty, untamed and hungry.
A wild card, and unlikely to ever be truly reliable. -
Skilled smith and warrior.What they value or seek.
Unclear.Where they can be encountered.
Faceless InnHow they can aid us in our plans.
Capable smith and warrior.
Worthy sellsword.What are the risks in treating with them.
Simple minded.
Prone to unwise and disrespectful commentary towards others. -
Quarion Celedric
Sellsword of Neverwinter.What they value or seek.
Honorable work, well paid and simple.
Freedom and the ability to chose.
Sellsword jobs, to their standards.Where they can be encountered.
Faceless InnHow they can aid us in our plans.
Capable sellsword.
Respectful of others customs, not prone to influence matters which does not concern them.
Has shown respect to the stars.What are the risks in treating with them.
Will not be bought by promises, payment first.
Unwilling to take any job, selective in their business.
May disappear should the market dry up. -
Zach Stormborn
Priest of the Bitch QueenWhat they value or seek.
The waves of his mistress free and untamed.
Respect and devotion to her watery realm.
To voyage across the waters of this world, not limited by binds nor oaths.Where they can be encountered.
Faceless InnHow they can aid us in our plans.
Priest of the Bitch Queen, devoted to the oasis and its spirits.
Eager to learn more of the jinn of water, if not obsessive.
They have already pledged to aid us cleansing the oasis of the Wyvernstones with the fury of the Bitch Queen's might.What are the risks in treating with them.
Carefree and simple, not devoted to order and Calimshan traditions.
Highly value freedom.
Will not allow slights and disrespect against his deity, who is known from vengeance and cruelty.