RazGrizz/Raz Grizz Lenistar/House of Ash
Account name : Raz Grizz
Coa forum : The Z master)
Discord : Badbastard/Raz Grizz Lenistar
Character name : Raz Grizz Lenistar
Race : Moon elf male, 180 years old
Class : Cleric (Sehanine Moonbow with domain of good and knowledge)
Alignment: CG
Goals : Wish to increasing the power of Sehanine Moonbow for a better position in the faction, therefore having more influence over the oversight of the decease of Arabel, laws about the undeads and necromancy, and eventually create a order of guardian of the dead, name the knightsky of the Moon Maiden (reserve for elves only, but might surely change in course of play, as i would believe obtaining this through RP would take lots of time.. like month of play and play)
Optional, Background :
dad was a elven captain, mom was a priestess of Sehanine, got two bro, two sis, in this order ( sis - bro - bro - me - sis ), lived in Hullack within a elven tribe that got decimated by orcs, and the survivor of the tribe may have join some eldreth, took refuge in Arabel or Cormyr, but scattered to the four wind that the fate of each family mamber is unknown, it s been then mpre than 40 years after completion of my training as a priest of Sehanine and came back Arabel too seek answer on their fate ( that is up to dm to either play with it, or not, myself will surely do even though it wouldnt go anywhere... not everyone in life get answer, and i can live with that :)
PS, if i may add everytime i play online, i make sending for everyone to quest around the city, and often try to build groups of aventureres for all my sending, althgouh much related to the general quest, that being said getting in the faction would allow me, better reason for making sending to have gruop of player helping me
This is a much better app than any he has sent in. He is actually RPing with me and others, and has more than 6 charisma on this cleric! It's 10!
TheWraith is giving him a task IG as well.
Agreed, much better app, and he's not running around with 8 charisma. Huge steps in the right direction.
He also has been in game and actually pursuing plots, roleplaying with companions, etc. He bore witness to Zakaths' trial and I really liked that he tried to check his weapon at the door thinking the palace wouldn't allow swords. He later provided escort with Morpheus out of the city.
Not exactly HoA examples, just fun RP that I generally don't see from RazGrizz.
I'm all for the player improving and getting involved more
24 conf
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