- Self absorbent
- Selfish
- Left NPCs/PCs in need cause she wasn't interested
- Doesn't care about others well being
- Not a team player
- Never gone above and beyond to defeat evil
- Doesn't care what the Fellowship stands for
- Was looking to retire from the Precept event, is now joining a faction? idk
I think this is a perfect example of a PC who doesn't fit into the Fellowship not cause they are evil, but because they don't /care/. And the whole thing about the Fellowship, is about caring
If we agree on the no, I would like to send the following letter. Either its a wake up call and inspires her to go down a interesting path towards retirement, or she gets insulted that they don't think she is the best.
Alysia Aylomen,
Whilst most of our members clearly have not come across your character, some have in fleeting moments had the displeasure of making your acquaintance. Your self importance, egoistic nature, and disregard for others in need isn't evil per say, but it goes against the very core of the Fellowship. We are the ones who stand against evil, whatever the cost, and we bring them down. We aid the innocent, and we stand by them no matter how trivial or grand.
It is clear to us, after all the time you have been in Arabel, that you do not battle against the evils of the world with every fiber of your body. Nor will you sacrifice everything in the name of the greater good. Thereby, your request has been rejected.
Lord Winter
@puffy I'd word it a bit differently...
It has come to the attention of the fellowship that you seek to join our membership. After a brief background investigation, it's apparent you do not share many of our ideals, and, well, that is the foundation of our Organization - the idea to do good in the face of consequences, be it from peers, ourselves, or the world itself.
It is with regret that I have to inform you that we cannot in good consciousness permit you to join our ranks formally. However, it is the hallmark of a good person to always believe in the redemption of another and I do not believe you have fallen so far to not warrant a second chance.
Commit yourself to a good cause, do not just destroy evil, redeem it, uncover it, and bring someone who has fallen back into the light.
Then I will welcome you with open arms.
Lord Winter."
Voted yes.
The player grates me personally and I haven't had much involvement with them, but I thought the AG was a vehicle for good? Or was it purely adventure? It was broadly inactive by the time I came back.
Also, if they were to join there's nothing stopping us from never promoting them if they're more self-serving than realm-serving. Or even trying to redeem them under the umbrella of the faction and encourage them toward more "Good" principles.
But if we say No, then I'm fine with Spiffys letter, feels less harsh.
She has the cloak, let her wear it for a while and do things to prove her worth to the faction. If she does, great, she can join fully. If she doesn't, then send her Spiffy's letter of rejection.
Voted yes with the 'let's wait and see' approach.
I let her know ICly that the NPCs want to see more from her before permitting her to join.
E Echo moved this topic from Player Applications on