App for were rat
- I’ve been helping the were rats promote their stuff by feeding them and giving them aid. Like when sentinel was making a rat event I brought down tons of food to feed the ever expanding rat horde so they could drive off the surfacers.
- I’m ready to wrap Regil up. He is enemy number 1 in my books and want to give him a send off as a little fight while fullillijg a Spiffy task. Go out like a true insane martyr.
- Being utterly insane Regil decided that the rats are gondegals chosen representatives and asked to be bitten so that he can be the rats martyr too
- This is just to give the PCs a little gnome were rat mini boss to kill and claim glory. Maybe Fye or dale will kill me. That be funny.
- I dont feel like Regil has created anything fun to warrant wererat or an event going out
- Not sure how he is enemy number one, besides some weird bulletin posts?
- Dont see how becoming a wererat helps his supposed Gondegal agenda, besides making him harder to kill for PCs wanting to pick up Jo Sparrows bounty
Feels like a power grab to me, rather than a fun story
I think Regil has been
- annoying AF
- a reanimation of his past characters (with the cartoon drawings and such)
- an attempt to bring back something the rest of the server has no interest in (Gondegal/Rebellion)
I do not think Regil has
- done anything to warrant an 'ending event' -- let the PCs who are hunting him for the bounty do it
- done anything to earn being a wererat -- the rats dont like him enough to make him one of theirs
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on
Puffy — Today at 16:20
Afraid the application was denied, the DM team didnt feel it fitted the story narrative