Draco/Mikal Ekeblade/Spellfailure
Mikal hasn't been acting in any shape or form like a cleric of Sune, and honestly all he has been doing lately is make his faith look like bumbling idiots. As far as I can tell, he hasn't really been clericing all that much at all.
As such, I think its best he gets spell failure. Not sure about % maybe 25%, a decent amount to knock him on his head and try to make him rethink his attitude of a cleric.
Make it 50 percent
I agree with spellfailure. Keep it near 20% though or it'll be unplayable.
Will start with 25, then raise or lower it depending on his actions
Set, gave him 30% since 25% wasnt an option.
Did a lil RP tell about his divine blessings weakenined etc, Draco's exact reply was "0.o" and nothing more
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