[Abandoned]Crimson_King/Servius Aurelius Renatus/ Apping for Teifling
Teifling/Cleric/Lawful Evil
Crimson_King aka One-Armed ScissorLooking to make a Heresy Cleric of Bane, a man twisted by seeing the world from the bottom, seeing Ilmateri and other devotees of faith fail to punish those deserving while scorning him for his heritage, applying the bandage without burning out the infection.
He believes order is the only way to maintain peace and order can only be upheld when it is enforced through consistency of the punishment. If a begger's hand is removed for stealing bread, then why not the noble for skimming funds from his city, all are equal.
Hateful of his heritage, he moves to prove himself above those that scorned him and make himself a place above those that looked down upon him.A man of conviction, he would always act in an effort to keep his word and maintain his honor above all else. As he believes Bane punishes liars, cowards and the cheat.
I am to use this character to push for an evil looking to better the city through means often unsavory, to maintain peace through tyranny and to offer purpose through service to the city. Though Bane may be dead, his ideals still live on through service in his name and having little interest in creating a temple. Rather preferring to prove his lord's teaching's through application. To kill his foes with results, and usurp the devotee's of the Triad's place within the city.
A dead god usurping the place within the hearts of the people of the city and a scorned Devil blood holding sway over those that had rejected him.
His traits are thickly scaled black hands and forearms, giving his arms a beastrial appearance and his hands appearing more akin to claws with a prehensile tail covered in similar scales.
His eyes are a searing red, and his scales deep obsidian. -
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