Master_Sarevok Red Dragon Touched [Null/delete/close]
- DragonTouched-Red Dragon/Barbarian/Chaotic Neutral/Alaric Draakarson
- Dragon Touched subrace
- Alaric is a red dragon touched off the Red Mane tribe. He has come to these lands to find new grounds for his tribe to stay, either temporarily oe permanently as they migrate and he is the first of many scouts sent out in random directions. He is proud and eager for glory, and his dragon blood makes him see himself as an equal oe greater than the civilized nobles. Despite this he hopes to find something to empower his people in these lands. He might join the black chalice and see noble blood as divine literally and try to get nobles to marry into and breed with his tribe to mix the god blood and dragon blood together to make demi god warriors. Or he might try to become a member of the Hird of the king chief. Either way he will likely become antagonistic to nobles who look down on him and get into a lot of blood feuds. Possibly outlawed depending on how things go
- The barbarian tribe Red Mane traces its founding hero as the paramour of a red dragon whose son and daughter went onto taking husbands and wives and founding thr bloodlines of the tribe. The Red Manes all declare themselves descended from red dragons and are proud in this descent. They have bright, deep red hair which they see as a sign of their draconic blood. Red hair is considered a sign of greatness among the Red Manes. (They respect any warrior with red hair and will even let wizards pass unmolested if they have red hair.) Some of the tribe often are born as dragon touched and this children are always believed destined for greatness. Their dragon descent means Red Manes act like red dragons even if they aren’t dragon touched yet have strong tribal values like all barbarians. They are a strange and violent people and often not even other barbarians trust them for you never know what will offend them.
- pride. Considers himself equal to the nobles of Arabel. And more but reaching word limit
- might join the black chalice
- try to get nobles to marry into and breed with his tribe
- might try to become a member of the Hird of the king chief (the what of the who?)
- likely become antagonistic to nobles
gonna be honest, the app seems kinda all over the place...
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