Prestige Class: Palemaster for Enlil
Enlil with the help of the Cyrist Temple and the Blood and Bone Tribe, retrieved the Eye of the Immortal from the Grove of the Gaoler.
Thus, the lich fulfilled his end of the bargain, and gave him instructions to achieve lichdom.
The instructions are flawed, incorrect, and will get him killed.
However, the instructions are such that they will let the wielder gain control over undead, undeath, and walk the gray realm, as slowly the necromantic energies take over the body and turn him into a mindless zombie as he proceeds down the 'bucket list.'
Thus, I do think Enlil, being a long lived necromancer, has earned Palemaster...but it is a path that is flawed and closed, and will end in his demise in good time.
4 yes.
24 hour confirmation -
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