Olouth / Sabriel Florent / OC of Milil / Sponsor
Human /Bard /NG/Level 8/Sabriel Florent
Sponsor: Either OC/champion of Milil with PRC, or X sponsor (I think both Summerstar and Mossmere could fit, harper too if we have them)
- I intend to use songs, mysteries, and stories to spread plots.
- Find awesome heroes, help them become true champions.
- Use the Illuminated Blade to be what the Council of 12 should have been. We use it to push plots into every faction we can.
- Get into loads of trouble, by being a naïve idiot. Allow defeated enemies to flee, slip information to the wrong people, and ensure the plot wheels keep churning
- Get others out adventuring, and be the perfect plot buddy
- Through the Illuminated blade, be and lead the ACOG, in a OOC considerate way
- With the Redbeards, first take over Collinswood, and later remove pirates from Immersea, to lead House Florent to glory
- Make the illuminated blade the HEROES of Arabel
- Solve the mystery behind Tethgard and Lady Duskreene
Olouth is my handle
Sabriel sees herself as a hero maker. With songs and stories, she builds up heroes, and highlights villains to inspire heroes to rise and oppose them. Through the Illuminated Blade (Fye’s and Sabriel’s love child), she collects information, solves mysteries, and sees relevant information finds the right hands. But she is also a naïve idiot, who does not always think things true, and causes trouble in equal measure. She does her best to be the living embodiment of Milils dogma, rather than outright preach.
What I have done so far
- Spread plot hooks and plot information across the server, to get as many people involved in the server story as possible
- Helped build the Cyric Inquisitors into notorious villains, by sharing their stories, push their plotlines, and pushing others to oppose them, now trying to lead the opposition against them
- Built the Illuminated Blade faction, which now serves as the new Council of 12
- Helped the Elven Fellowship and wild walkers document and tell the tale of The Host
- With the Illuminated scroll initiative, spread plot hooks to EVERY new pc I meet
- Used the “tale of Izereth” to build insane amounts of conflict with the Precept Arcanum
- Written the tale of Izereth
- Caused a lot of fun inter faction conflict in the Crownguard
- Documented countless tales, stories and songs promoting heroes and villains
- Caused countless shit storms with passing the right information to the wrong people
- Tried to be the embodiment of “Milils dogma, by telling tales and using them to inspire others into action
- Used countless scripted quests and explorations in the EU time zones, to promote adventure, using them to spread plots (FX. I turned the boring ant quest into Goldfeather explorations for several groups)
- arranged 3-4 performances (though with not the best turn out)
- Sponsored EVERY bard I have encountered, with songs, trinkets and assistance.
Regarding sponsor:
I know none of the existing are a perfect fit. But I feel I have done the groundwork to get some assistance and authority to help me continue to push my plots. If you have other ideas beyond the OC Milil, Mossmere or Summerstar you find more fitting to push the story, I am very open. I could just use some further assistance. -
I don't know if she's been especially relgious, enough to earn official clergy. Seems like it was included because they were reminded it existed.
Champion PrC I'm not sure on either, she's not been much of a champion yet. Maybe if she starts taking a more active role and taking risks.
Sponsor I am fine with, could be anything from Summerstar she suggested or a random minor noble as a patron of the arts.
I agree. Granted we havent had much IG time together but I haven't seen anything that says "religious leader".
As for patron of the arts, Islyn (Misrim) Mossmere is known for being the saint of the arts and might be a good sponsor choice. Though Islyn is a Liiran, not a Mililan. Not that it matters here because it's about arts, not about religion.Summerstar is more about daring-do and adventure so I dont think that is the thing. Also "Sabriel sees herself as a hero maker" she doesnt see HERSELF as a hero, but that she makes other people into heroes.
Its been 10 days and no one seems to have voted on this yet.
If no one's got any further input I'll just give them a sponsor.
I voted!
Sponsor sure. What did you have in mind? I already have read that there an NPC putting up flyers on behalf of “House” Florent?
I did not see this.
I agree OC is a bad choice. Sponsor could work.
How do we feel about Harpers? I'm a fan myself. Maybe the sponsor could be a member?
If you want to set that up go for it Petey.
Sounds good. I'll get started.
PC died in an airship crash of angelic proportions
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