Verk/Dominic Swift/Crown Guard Rank 3
I'll vote Yes
We need to stop rewarding verk for playing the same lawkeeper over and over again. Tell him to app for another helmite OC or play as the faction was intended, which is an elite guard for bored nobles and eccentrics.
@man-in-the-mist said in Verk/Dominic Swift/Crown Guard Rank 3:
We need to stop rewarding verk for playing the same lawkeeper over and over again. Tell him to app for another helmite OC or play as the faction was intended, which is an elite guard for bored nobles and eccentrics.
You made a faction with lawkeeping authority that non-nobles/blue bloods can join.
It doesn't seem fair to Verk to stonewall him because he isn't playing the faction to what we envisioned it to be exactly. That is more our fault than it is his, I agree he's just repeating his characters but he's also pushing things hard and trying to get results.
If there's specific RP requirements to advance a rank this needs to be made very clear.
I don't want to go to Verk and tell him his efforts mean nothing and he can stop trying.
He did the same thing with the grey watch and I repeatedly said letting him pursue this faction was a mistake <_<
He's already run out multiple players from the faction, one of which was actually what we wanted with the faction, which I should stress he's done with every iteration of lawkeeping factions so far.
Let him progress further if you guys want, I'm not the one who has to keep making new lawkeeper factions.
Seems to be heading into the direction of no. I get you guy's concerns I'm just not sure what to tell him. So someone else will have to let him know why he was denied.
He deserves something. Just not what the faction is about is all.
- NPC sponsorship from the Helmite Chuch
- “Special Position” like OC in the Church
^ Weapon master PrC - alignment shift to LN since from what I’ve ever seen he’s not really LG and then DC
Here's what I'd suggest, just a thought-
Maybe instead of a promotion he's kept where he is in terms of proper rank, but made "captain" of the non nobles in the crown guard. This separates him from the crown guard proper, while giving him the maximum authority he could ever achieve in the faction. It'd essentially be a subset of the faction that would constantly be looked down on and spat upon by the others, but it'd keep with the theme and hopefully keep him happy so nobody has to tell him his characters are boring.
@prof-misclick said in Verk/Dominic Swift/Crown Guard Rank 3:
He deserves something. Just not what the faction is about is all.
- NPC sponsorship from the Helmite Chuch
- “Special Position” like OC in the Church
^ Weapon master PrC - alignment shift to LN since from what I’ve ever seen he’s not really LG and then DC
Sponsorship of the Church would be cool. Definitely needs an alignment shift. He is NOT goodly.
@man-in-the-mist said in Verk/Dominic Swift/Crown Guard Rank 3:
made "captain" of the non nobles in the crown guard
Could work also.
There are stated faction goals as well as specific NPC goals. That is what I will base my yes or no vote on. Verk was warned that his character would have an exceedingly difficult time in the faction. I even believe there were some DM‘s that were against having Dominick in the crown guards from the get-go. I do not think we do the faction or Verk any favours by perpetuating a character that just is not a good fit in the faction. Let’s find another way to reward him.
@prof-misclick said in Verk/Dominic Swift/Crown Guard Rank 3:
He deserves something. Just not what the faction is about is all.
- NPC sponsorship from the Helmite Chuch
- “Special Position” like OC in the Church
^ Weapon master PrC - alignment shift to LN since from what I’ve ever seen he’s not really LG and then DC
Definitely this. Despite similar concepts, since the beginning of time, he is comfortable with this and really pushes plots. He is a CoA staple :D
I'm fine with either.
We can have him be sponsored by the Church of helm with an official position, more or less him being 'scouted' as the Crownguard isnt using him to his full potential.
Or give him that 'captain' position with some upgraded gear.
Verk said he'd be fine leaving the crownguard for the helmite church.
What are we rewarding him for exactly
Bulldozing everything with his usual antics. He's technically involving people even if it's in the lamest most sterile ways possible.
If not for Verk, nothing would get done. Or done very slowly.
Or it might just get done differently, and by more variety of characters, who knows.
I get the feeling people here are tired of Verk's copy paste playstyle, which is fair. But regardless he's been active and doing things for a while now and I feel it would be unfair to bar him from any progression.
If everyone's fine with it I'll give him a position under the Helmite Church without policing powers and just make him some comparable gear to the faction stuff.
@voss_ said in Verk/Dominic Swift/Crown Guard Rank 3:
a position under the Helmite Church without policing powers
This sounds good to me.
Verk has been fired from the Crownguard. Me and Petey have inducted as a 'watcher' of the Helmite Church. Gave him a cloak with the Helmite symbol for his troubles, guy no longer has any law enforcing powers.
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