Elitzio Rivior claims to be a direct descendant from the Bandit Lord Rivior, and he now dedicates his efforts to reclaim the Haunted Halls. He has several servants, eager to do his bidding. As neighbors, Eveningstar and Rivior have agreed to work on cleansing the Haunted Halls together. His claim of heritage, land, and ownership however is for the Crown to decide. There has been minor incidents, where his servants have used inappropriate titles, but the group has been correcting their errors.
Rivior is hosting a hunt for artifacts, whilst unfortunate that he uses the term house.. I do find the aspect of the hunt an enjoyable exercise. As such, I recommend all Councilors and their represented factions to par take! https://nodebb.cityofarabel.com/topic/58055/haunted-halls-scavenger-hunt
Rivior isn't an actual house. If they keep making claims that they are of nobility, they will be charged with impersonating nobility. Also why are we participating in scavenger hunts, when we have more important threats to deal with? This just seems a waste of time.
First thing I did when meeting them was warn them about the terminology they were using.
Seems to matter to them an awful lot, why not just call themselves Cottage Rivior, or Shed Rivior, or Barn Rivior.Joking aside, they could come up with something I'm sure.
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