The Bishop of Eveningstar himself has demanded your arrest.
And presented no evidence.
If this was a council of Eveningstar, you may have a point.
It isn't, this is the council of the Twelve Peers, representing the Kingdom of Arabel.
You are most correct that Eveningstar is a part of the kingdom, as such I highly recommend you turn yourself in to Eveningstar so you may prove your innocence before the Morning Lord. If you prefer a more neutral route, you may of course seek Dominic and seek to settle this matter professionally. For now thought, I see it only as proper for the Precept to make grace and have you temporarily removed until the matter is resolved. Perhaps Treth can cover for you whilst this is cleared.
So, Lord Obyn can have any member of the council removed by claiming they are a murderer and offering nothing to support it too then Tass?
Careful with your response to that one.
I reminded Tristan some time ago about Eveningstar being part of the Kingdom, and he chose to side with rebels instead of pledge aid to put down the rebellion. You do like to pick and choose don't you?
There has never been any claims of there being no proof, but I would do not feel comfortable presenting it before the very person it regards. As such, I have made my recommendations. After all, the Duke and Bishop have been granted their titles by Queen and King. As such, I see their station far above that of myself. Who am I to question their excellence?
As for trials, I will go nowhere near Eveningstar, who have decided based on fluff, air, bravado, and zealotry that I am guilty.
If the Crownguard wish to set a precedent for how they handle legal matters with this case, then that is their choice, but it will be a shame for them to fail so quickly. I will be requesting direct Crown Arbitration in any such trial as I have heard Dominic speak about "evidence"I am unsure if he knows what the term means.
It is never too late to seek redemption and to make amends for your sins, return to the warm embrace of Lathander and seek your rebirth. Re-education is an excellent path.
You could also join the Precept and have your talents flourish, instead of languish within that pit of religious persecution.
The offer will remain, I pray to the Morning Lord that one day you shall see the error of your way and return to his light. But, for now I shall not bog down the files with my words and offers. A hand has been offered, now it is your choice.
For those wondering, my recommendation still remain in place.
Fellow councillors, be careful with this, it will set a potentially dangerous precedent.
An accusation alone should never be grounds for removal of someone from their position (even temporarily), it makes it far too easy to exploit the system for nefarious ends.-Izereth
The Crown Guard are investigating the matter.
If they feel they have a case, they will submit charges.
Till then, no dismissal or suspension will occur for the very loyal and capable Izereth.
The Royal Herald
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