Encrypt/Izereth Caul/Ritual Symbol item
1 human/Sorceror/LN/10/Izereth Caul
2 Ritual Symbol item (alreadty exists, shown below)
3 I plan to use the item to enchance the visual effect of whatever rituals I may perform relating to https://nodebb.cityofarabel.com/topic/56725/izereth-caul-bloodhound/11
These will be done by laying down items, casting spells, leaving blood from vials, leaving notes with clues/hints/messages, and possibly leaving undead behind. The idea is to build up, quite quickly, the idea of a coming shadow over Eveningstar, and prepare the location for a final ritual in which the shadow is created (the attempt will be to create a permanent circle of darkness over the Church itself, blocking the suns rays from landing on the Church)
4 Do I need to put my previous characters here? It's me, Zool! :)
5 Izereth has been pissed with Eveningstar since one of their knights killed some Bloodhounds in the Historic District and didn't even apologise, she tried multiple things to persuade them to allow the Precept an outpost in their town, and change their laws on Tieflings and other bloodlines, to no effect. She's beyond caring now. She is also utilising this as a way to "impress" the eye-kin summoning book that has come into her possession, to become evil enough to be able to use it.
The item itself is shown here
It creates visual effect on the ground based on your alignment, the one shown is when you are neutral.
Once she turns evil it would place down a different effect (It's red and nasty looking)Item found in
Custom>Special>Custom 3 - Ritual Symbol
I don't think this needs an app.
Just give it to the player tbqh
agreed just give it to them lol
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on