Ominous mail
I recieved an unsigned letter.
Let's see who you are when things go very wrong.
Knowing Pelagia as I do, once I smelt the soap, I knew who it was from.
Of course, no proof that would stand in any court worth existing - this is just to inform the other councillors that if I go missing suddenly, if anyone wants to investigate, Pelagia would be a good start.-Izereth
So she threatens councillors, Attempts to murder Precept members and causes the death of innocents in Hillmarch recklessly
I'm starting the vote for a trial
Sir Pierre
A sending from her.
Dear lightning bolt... remember you have many little brother and sisters futures in your hands. Wll you be the hope of future free of fear, or just another day in the cycle of distrust and sorrow?
Of course I can't prove it was her. But it is obvious.
So she's threatening the entire Precept now?
She also supports the lower house and this cult of Gondegal that the Higher council want suppressing and stamping out
Sir Pierre
I honestly don't understand the sendings anymore.
The problem is, this isn't really proof - you may believe me, but an unbiased person would just see it as hearsay.-Izereth
So are you saying that we shouldn't be taking threats made against Councilors seriously? Having almost been turned into a living sacrifice, I would hope that we do take things like this seriously.
The complete opposite.
I want us to take it extremely seriously, which means getting some evidence that even her closest allies (if she has any left) would stumble over their words trying to deny.
We do not want to petition the higher council for a trial, only to have it fail. Especially when a councillor is being threatened.
We need something more solid than Treth's word against hers (or the words of the mundanes of Hillmarch who will probably mistake Treth for a demon) anonymous letters and sendings, or failing to send us a letter when requested.-Izereth
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