Angered spirit on the mountains
The mark can be used by the spirit to compel those with it to do the dragons bidding.
Yesterday after they delivered the corpse of the lycan to Tilverton, Ichabod, Hanee and Pelagia began to act strangely. Ichabod was able to resist the compulsion but Hanee and Pelagia eyes began to glow and they attacked.
Blood from them was taken and given to the Precept to study to see if they can find a way to break the power the dragon has over them
Sir Pierre
This bring a serious concern for the safety of the marked. They are compelled to act on the dragon's behalf, and so far, only my sibling Ichabod has had the strength to resist the creature. I must insist it is not their fault and that, although the necessary means must be taken to subdue them should they be taken over, further harm to them would simply be criminal.
I am setting up a vote on the matter so that we are all on the same page in this. The Dragon is responsible for any assault the afflicted will commit on the ones targeted by the creature. They are to have amnesty for their crimes as it is in fact the crimes of the dragon. They are to be subdued should they lose control, and isolated away from the targets until they regain their wits. They will be asked to avoid contact with Sir Cambrian, Jace and the Magus at all cost until the mark can be removed one way or another.
-True Bloodhound Ydira of the Precept Arcanum
That which was taken must be returned and those who stole must make amends.
Councillor Cormack Blackstock
Do stop repeating the same thing over and over Cormack.
Considering at least bone is with House Mossmere returning them is out of the question.
Sir Pierre
How is it out of the question? Just because they are more important than you, and refuse due to lack of understanding, doesn't make it out of the question.
If I am repeating myself it's because you are not listening to the answer. We do not need to kill or defeat everything that disagrees with us, certainly not over something as simple as theft. Returning that which was taken and making some attempt to apologise should always be our first act.
Councillor Cormack Blackstock
The situation is resolved. Various people were involved, the Precept arcanum aided indirectly.
It was also discovered that House Mossmere had placed a curse onto a citizen of Arabel as a form of vigilante justice of their own devising.I am unsure if the council wishes to set a precedent for that kind of behaviour, unless House Mossmere have joined the Greywatch.
Who was this citizen and what did they do to get cursed?
Sir Pierre
A man from the poorer districts who tried to rob them apparently.
Seems like an odd question to ask first though, unless you wish to apply the law differently to different people. Would seem a little chaotic to do that though, so I'm certain there is some alternate reasoning behind it being your first thought. I would be interested to hear what it is, you have me intrigued Sir Cambrian.
(For reference, this part of the laws of Arabel defines this as slavery)
-Slavery- Forcing another to perform uncompensated labor against their will, including by magical compulsion.
The person was cursed, and forced to do Mossmeres bidding, or face death.
(I make no official accusations, I am sharing information with the council)
So someone tried to steal from a noble estate and got cursed instead of just being executed.
Seems they got off fairly easily for their crimes
Sir Pierre
Is House Mossmere a dispenser of Justice in this regard? Are nobles in Arabel Judges and executioners to?
So, does that mean that this law no longer applies to nobles? Because by my understanding, nobles are above commoners and even the council. If they feel a commoner deserves punishment, for even the law below it is within their right to give them a fitting punishment. Also, to reply to your question about nobles being judges and executioners, is the council the law for Arabel? I was under the understanding that we deal with threats in the realms, not enforce the laws of Arabel. Was I misinformed? Should we be out patrolling the streets and doling punishments out to those who break the laws?
Noble Respect:
Commoners are expected to exhibit proper respect to all nobility. All citizens, nobility and otherwise, are expected to exhibit the same respect to royalty. Proper respect includes bowing when requested and making use of proper titles. Those who refuse will be punished accordingly.-Jenny
Are you quoting the laws of Tilverton there?
And no, we are not lawmakers, nor are we law enforcers. I am sharing information about the happenings in the Kingdom with the council. The council has also issued bounties in the past for those comitting capital offences.
Not unless these are Tilverton's laws. Although if I'm reading this right, it states that this is the law of Arabel? Or maybe I'm illiterate. Although for reference, I will include the laws of Tilverton to make sure there is no miscommunication.'t they issue bounties on commoners and not nobility or am I mistaken on the bounties that I've seen?
-Jenny Whitlock
Not sure where you dug that out from, but this is the lawbook of Arabel.
I didn't suggest any bounties be issued, just referenced that the council does involve itself in some legal matters, when they pertain to the safety of the environs of Arabel.
We don't yet know if there are any lingering repurcussions of what was done here, spirit wise.
It would also be a simple matter for House Mossmere to avoid the law I referenced - if they compensated the person they cursed and forced into working for them afterwards, it would be a clever use of a loophole, they could even give them a single gold coin, technically. Though I suspect they already did compensate them.
They would of course, need to admit they used a curse to compel someone into service first, for that to work however.
(Note: they could also deny everything and claim the words of a commoner, a mere councillor of the Precept, and another Precept member are nothing compared to those of the noble house of Mossmere - again, I am sharing information with the council, so they know what is occuring within the kingdom.)
Does the council intend to do nothing here?
Are we to let this kind of thing slide?
Does the council claim that I, and my brother Ichabod are lying about this curse? Does Mossmere?Would it be the same if this was done by a free person of the Kingdom of Arabel who does not call themselves a lord?
These questions need answers, we are setting another precedent here. I am loathe to bring up a vote, as something as sensitive as this should surely be handled by the other councils who advise the crown.
If nothing is to be done by this council however, I will note this down in our list of precedents set.
It's more we don't care about the curse.
Trying to break into people's homes to steal from them has consequences.
I imagine someone trying to break into the Precept to steal from it would be punished harshly
Sir Pierre
I have added this precedent to our list.
Actually, that was a bit hasty, we should hear from other councillors, plus, I'm seeking clarification from House Mossmere.