The lower house
She will be further interrogated when she has recovered from the shocks to the heart and the burns to her skin.
But she is now under the Precept Guidance, and is to become a member of the Family, under very close watch, and with her powers... subdued pending her re-education.-Izereth
Who is this mage and what are her details?
I brought in Val alive.
Anyone want to insinuate I'm a traitor with this one, or are we done with that yet?That's three now, by the way.
I haven't had chance to interrogate her much. She made them maps, and scouted areas so she'll know something of their plans.
If anyone tries to torture her, I'll singe all the hairs off your skin, I'm starting to get pissed off.
I've requested she be re-educated, she's pretty harmless as the Lower House goes. But if she must die, she has a final request that no one removes her mask and she is buried with it on.Let us not be brutalist monsters, it plays into the Lower Houses narrative, and at the very least, if she cannot be redeemed, aquiesce to her final request.
How about we use her as bait?
Say she will publicly executed in front of the palace to try and lure the lower house to rescue her?
If they show up we capture the lot of them.
If not they prove they don't care for their men unless they can try and get them alliances with powerful churches
You will notice they seem to care little for Alaric but they are desperate for Jims remains to try and raise him to pressure the Tymoran church
Sir Pierre
And this poster claims they care for their men
If they did not act to save Val it would prove them as the liars we all know them to be
Sir Pierre
This is a good trap, they lose both ways. Nice work Sir Cambrian.
If she accepts this, to be bait, even with the possibility of having to be executed (we need to be able to make good on the threat), then perhaps that would be reason enough to spare her life, once it is over?
Naturally yes.
She could be redeemed through service.
It is the ringleaders of the lower house we wish executed
Ercole, Groll, Hillian and Saladin
Sir Pierre
We can try this, however from the chat I had with her, she didn't have a key, and didn't know anything. Now there might be some things that she isn't telling us, but I don't know that the lower house will try to rescue her.
She's certainly worked with them often.
She was present with them with they attacked Dourhand and when most of the lower house were in the temple of Tymora.
Sir Pierre
This should be easy to do, we should do it as soon as possible, so they have no time to prepare or think.
I assume this is mostly a reaction to the exercution of the dwarf Hill.
Izereth I advice you to compersate the farmers whose fields got burned down last eve in the process of the dwarfs arrest unless you want angry farmers buying it as truth.
Dawnbrother Tristan.
The Palace can pay, we've brought in over half of the Lower house so far, we aren't bankrolling the nation as well as keeping it safe.
Clerks.. estermated cost of damages?
Dawnbrother Tristan
The fault lies with the folk of Hillmarch for not reporting a traitor.
A bunch of farmers outside the East Gate had the misfortune of having heavily armed adventures clash over and burn down their fields. They now are very much in danger of starving come this winter, additionally if we do not provide for them in there hour of need, the Lower Houses extremely prolific propaganda machine will turn there suffering into proof we are cruel and heartless tyrants and use them to recruit a hundred more angry commoners.
But no matter Eveningstar will see to this. Clerk Pinwall be useful and get the accurate damage costs so fitting compensation can be arranged. Alliteratively since you seem confident in the average farmers fighting skill, I could get you a pitch folk so you can hunt down Crawford like the farmers of your expectations?
Dawnbrother Tristan
Seems the temple of Tymora is raising dead criminals. Will the kingdom accept this, or should they lose their temple for helping criminals in rebellion to the king? Thoughts?
Considering the diety in question is the patron of half the city... ill adviced.
Dawnbrother Tristan
Maybe not lose their temple
But if it turns out they did raise an executed criminal they need to be punished in someway for aiding treasonous wretches
Sir Pierre
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