The lower house
He also claimed he was Tymoran Clergy and the apprentice of the traitor Alexander Kincaid.
He certainly isn't clergy and being an apprentice to a traitor and oathbreaker is hardly a good thing to be.
Sir Pierre
One mans traitor is another mans hero. I have certainly seen no kingdom wide declaration that this Kincaid fellow was a criminal.
If the Tymoran church wishes to pursue the man for impersonating clergy they are more than capable of bringing such to our attention.
If you want the man to face charges for all or any of these things in Tilverton then have at it. As for the kingdom in general none of these things are worthy of the attention of the council.
Maybe its time for another of your little extrajudicial bounty posters.
Councillor Cormack Blackstock
Ercole has also tried breaking into House Mossmeres vaults. He was caught however.
At this point I say we consider him a menace to society.
He had Therkus hand cut off, planned a heist on House Misrim, And attempted one on House Mossmere.
Sir Pierre
According to Jace, he was "invited" to try to rob house Mossmere.
So if we are leaving it at that. Then it's the "planned heist" which never happened, and this hand thing, which does sound quite nasty.
Not entirely sure that's menace to society level yet?
Jace "thinks" they were invited because he doesn't want to accept they got broken into.
There's also this mock council they seem to be forming with titles such as minister of faith.
Sir Pierre
With the Lower Houses latest proclamation it becomes clear that any of the council who support these seditious wreteches and heathens who would proclaim a man a god cannot remain on the council.
They are anarchists.
Sir Pierre
A man a god?
Ridiculous, there is a silence, a dead king (even a great one like Gondegal) cannot break it, if gods such as Mystra and Tymora cannot.
I certainly don't support the idea of Gondegal having ascended to godhood and broken the silence.
I certainly do support Gondegals ideals, on which this country was founded. Anyone who does not, should never have been appointed to this council, and should feel ashamed to be on it.
I have heard whispers and sometimes more, that other councillors think I support the Lower House.
Hopefully I can remedy this.
We all know Ercole is a scoundrel, he has attempted to rob a noble house (though this has been settled by the house itself)
If we want to have this man (and by extension, the Lower House, he IS the Lower House) actually held to account, we need some real charges. Something solid.
I believe I can bait him into doing something that may achieve this.
Hopefully this will prove to you all that I do not "support" the Lower House's criminal activites.
Something I do support is the ethos on which this Kingdom was founded, but that is not the same thing, do not think that they are.-Izereth
You stood idly by as they stole from the tomb of Gregory Hightower the first. In fact you joined them in plundering the tomb in front of Lucius Hightower.
If you do not support the Lower House as you claim you should return what you took and accept any punishment the current Lord Hightower gives you for stealing.
Sir Pierre
You also stood idly by Pierre, after traveling with and working alongside them just the same. You asked if Lucius was letting the items be taken, and he did not protest.
Let's not start trying to litigate adventuring practices around loot, the higher council would be under a mountain of grave robbing/theft cases.
This is a pretty bad and off topic argument to claim I support the Lower House, by the way.
As a show of respect between council members, I will do as asked and return the item to Lucius Hightower. I will also tell him I will accept any reasonable punishment he deems is neccessary.
(I won't accept execution, or removing my powers or anything silly, obviously, some kind of penance, or fine) - NOTE: I am -not- accepting guilt as a grave robber, or any other law in the lawbook of the Kingdom of Arabel, I am returning an item and apologising, that is all.
Hopefully this can begin movement towardcs more co-operation within this council.
Went and apologised, offered to return the item.
He wants it returned by my own hand, so I'll do that when it becomes possible.
It looks like Ercole wants Arabel to be at war with Tilverton. Lower House needs to be dealt with and quickly if we don't want innocent lives lost in his meaningless war.
The Lower House got a good beating earlier when they tried to attack Dourhand again.
The Higher Council is already against this Cult of Gondegal, It is time the council took steps to quash it properly.
Sir Pierre
If the Councilors believe there is enough evidence to warrant a bounty, please argue forth why and what laws have been broken specifically. Sadly, being annoying isn't a crime yet.
Clerk Pinwell
This is what I can think of immediately:
-They stole from two noble Houses.
-They are now heretics.
-They lie about everything, so even if they deny that they did or didn't do something, who is supposed to believe them?
-Ercole is impersonating someone in authority by claiming to be this 13th councilor.
-They attacked a Precept Asset, who is working to make a weapon to fight a demon.
-By attacking the Precept Asset, they are putting Arabel, Tilverton, and Eveningstar in danger because this demon needs to be dealt with.
-By threatening the safety of the kingdom, they are traitors.I'm sure I'm missing more.
While I wish there was, I don't think there is enough...
Here is what we could potentially use:
- Trespassing (mossmere estate -we would need them to press charges)
- Theft (mossmere estate, -we would need them to press charges though... it was never stolen as the house never lost the item)
- Evasion of a peace official (This is a tad sketchy - I put out an announcment that anyone attacking Dourhand would be defying a councillor, me, as the councils agreed that he was under Precept supervision)
- Armed assault/Murder From what I know, The Lower House took Therkus hand, and also killed him. We have no evidence for this though. (Though Pierre may have something about the hand?) He admitted killing Therku directly to me - but this is just one persons word, unless that is good enough evidence?
-Impersonation of Authority or Figure- He has called himself the 13th councillor many times, this one is pretty clear cut (so long as 13th councillor counts as impersonation, techincally, there is no 13th councilor so...?
Something we could do- The Lower House appears to have access to some magical mushrooms no one else seems to be able to get.
We could make those illegal, and then get them on distribution of contraband? They have some dangerous side effects which could cause a lot of harm to nearby people.
I'm also pretty sure they are giving the Lady of the Bells body parts to keep her army going. How else does she have a copy of Therku running around? They gave her his hand, and now she can create Therku copies to terrorize the realm.
So we have in order of seriousness
Murder x2, Killed Therku and confessed such to councillor Izereth, Killed Councillor Cormack during the spirit dragon debacle
Theft x2, Tried to steal from House Mossmere, Stole from House Hightowers Crypt after being hired to lead a group in to recover something
Impersonation of Authority, One of the Militia made a sending stating by calling himself the 13th councillor he was guilty of this
I do have the hand though it was sent anonymously, but I have Therkus statements naming the attackers.
Myself, Ichabod and Izereth witnessed the Hightower theft.
I am not against making these mushrooms contraband, what are the side effects exactly?
Sir Pierre
Evidence is as follows, We should also consider a charge of aiding the Indecent as it seems they are aiding the Lady of Bells
[roughly written]
The one who took my hand was Groll, the "Minister of Peace", Ercole ordered him to take it, and Hillax the dwarf and Saladin assisted them in beating me down to put me in the position where they could take my hand. They seems to think it was okay to have four of them attack me out of the blue, I guess we should return the favor.-Therku
This package was delivered to me, As you can see the hand wasnt given to the lady of bells, And despite the claims no assasins were ever sent after Ercole
With this Propaganda posting
We must consider the very real likliehood of Ercole giving the Lady of Bells the corpse of Therku, As Izereth says Ercole confessed killing him to her.
As for the thefts I will seek statements from Jace of Mossmere and Lucius Hightower
Sir Pierre