Shadow rift in the sewers
I was in the sewers with Therku hunting undead when we came upon a mass of shadow
Strange beings came out, and we heard chanting, I sent Therku to fetch aid while I made sure nothing reached the surface
Therku came back with Marrick and later Harcourt and Pelgasa showed up
We went into the shadow and found ourselves in a shadowy place with a rune stone in the center, we fought our way to it and it was discovered it was calling more things to it
We destroyed it and left the place
Items were recovered that will be given to the Precept and Seekers to study
Pierre of the Black Chalice
Where was this exactly in the sewers? The location may give us more information on who or what started this. I take it the shadow you entered disappeared the moment you destroyed the rune stone?
True Bloodhound Ydira
The large chamber that leads to a path up to the clover market if I remember correctly
The shadowy place did start collapsing when the rune stone was destroyed yes
Pierre of the Black Chalice
Another update on this.
Yesterday whilst exploring ruins in the stonelands ruins with Therku, Donie and Magus Nikos, Minotaurs portalled in and eventually a portal to a maze opened, we made our way through and fought a potent shaman guarding treasure and a shadowy throne
Nikos was able to gain insight from the throne and saw a master on the throne and three underlings near them, a warrior a sneak and a mage, The warrior appeared to have a sytche and mentioned this reaper.
Pierre of the Black Chalice
P Puffy moved this topic from Plot Faction: Council of Twelve Peers on