Jim and Tenebris: Rank 3 Druids
@man-in-the-mist they have no clue what the end of it is.
Finding out it's a pact with a demon will be interesting, they won't take it, and it might make them do stuff about it
They just simply need to be asked the question, "what is the intent, in relation to druidic duties, with the plague?"
And then see if the answer satisfies people.
Everyone agrees that stuff is cool enough fora reward, we're just figuring out if the reward should be wildwalker, druidic in general, or talona/plague related.
I agree with Zool
End goal for druids is to keep things balanced according to nature, not "normal" according to the commoners/nobles/royalties.
Big cities can't get too big and evil druid would want to see them destroyed. Goody druids would seek to incorporate nature in them more. Druids in general, good, neutral or bad, would want major wizard (maybe even arcanists in general) factions destroyed or at the very least, controlled, because most of the trouble comes from them when it comes to aberrations, outsiders and undead.Anyway, that is another debate.
Multitude was a talonite druid group. They tried to destroy Arabel. What's Jim and Tenebris' druidic/wildwalker/murrain point of view?
Zool makes a good point.
The spider grove and them working for the spider spirit is great and I say yes to that part. But we need to know if they get to become Great Druid (as a rank 3 in the wildwalker faction) or they get the grove as a reward for being awesome druid/murrain? If they are pushing the faction goals, the good, they get promoted, if not, reward them differently for being awesome.
[7:53 PM] Novo Mundus: Hey man
[7:54 PM] Novo Mundus: Got a question for you about ol jim
[7:54 PM] Novo Mundus: What's his intent/motive, with the plague (and such) done with the Murrain - in terms of druidic duties/the oath?
[10:22 PM] gDarDog: Why do you ask
[10:48 PM] Novo Mundus: I'm trying to work something out - (that is good for your character) - but need this info to proceed
[10:49 PM] Novo Mundus: like
[10:50 PM] Novo Mundus: is he trying to do stuff for the druidic circles of the region, the natural world in general, maintain some balance specifically, - is it a personal goal/religious thing. And if any of those (or another thing) how does the things' he's done fit into it?
[11:00 PM] gDarDog: My or Jim’s interpretation of the balance is that it needs to be reset
[11:01 PM] gDarDog: And that the plague is a way of doing so
[11:01 PM] gDarDog: Starting something new by tearing everything down
[11:01 PM] Novo Mundus: Clear the forest so it can regrow
[11:01 PM] Novo Mundus: Volanoes, forest fires
[11:02 PM] Novo Mundus: in this case, plague
[11:02 PM] Novo Mundus: Got it, thanks -
Seems legit to me.
The idea is, clear the way for new growth - which is a very druidic thing to do, many druids cut back forests, or even begin forest fires to bring in new growth and life - this is similar, but with a plague and removing living beings (that are also sentient...)
@zool said in Jim and Tenebris: Rank 3 Druids:
with a plague and removing living beings (that are also sentient...)
people get in the way of balance anyway >_>
as long as they keep the faction in mind, looks like they have been working that aspect.
If I was voting, it's be yes.
But I feel for me anyway, the actual question of it was a druidy thing (and hence, a druidic, wildwalker promotion) is answered as a yes.
Confirmed, set Tenebris
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