My Farewells
Dear fellow members of the Twelve.
I have had one last talk with Adam to try and ensure there a level of peace even if he does get on the Twelve. I would advise against letting him get on, but that will be your choice not mine. But with that done I feel my crusade to bring a level of order to this troubled region is over. My wife loves me and deserves to be loved, my sons are good men and need my wisdom as they seek wives. And with my left arm now gone and age catching up with me, it is hard for me to wage war and it will not get easier.
Men of Astar. Your sense of justice pleases me, as well as your dedication to fight for the innocent, even those who none expect you to be the light in the dark for. Remember however that Lathander is at his weakest when he runs of alone, and strongest when he is the strength that keeps his friend’s hearts beating… find those friends and do not judge them as knights, but as the light to bring a morning.
Ydira we have not as much face to face time as I would like. But you are often a voice of reason and professionalism. Keep an eye on the bigger picture and remember people expect the Twelve to act.
Elora we talked that last talk. Remember my words.
Pierre I assume you expect words of hate, but I shall surprise you and show you kindness. In the end all wrongs tend to right themselves. Many a man I have met who has thought he was free of consequence, to only find it returned on him three times as bad. You have time to right your wrongs and you have time to balance the scales with your own power before another does it for you… so right the wrongs.
Also remember our duel, and remember your lady. Who will catch if you fall?My King, I advise against standing still and hoping for the best. You have a hard job, but if you do nothing, then you risk being seen as nothing.
To everyone, remember the only person that wins when a kingdom attacks itself is everyone else. Red Wizards of Thay are a dark omen, but Zhents love infighting and if you truly fail in your duties the men in purple will all too happy to take over. The Twelve may end up being seen as nothing as footnote in history, but if it is, then you won’t be able to blame the Maid of Misfortune, only yourselves.
Julien Toussaint
Paladin of Tyr -
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