Peer Review: Pierre Cambrian
I feel in the light of his close ties with the Murrain and clear inablity to learn from the lessons that got him removed in the first place, Pierre should be removed from the 12.
I also wish to voice concerns about information security around countering the Murrain rite and bringing there number to justice... he is simply too keen to make excuses and unwilling to take action againast them.
Anyone wish to bring up issues before I set the vote going?
I am newly joined, and not through all the archives yet, though from what I have read, this is exactly the thing that ended the Council before, with everyone removed save the Luckbringer.
His Grace the Duke can and should send a representative to the Twelve, so that we can keep all sides at the table in matters of the realm. Removing Pierre is an action that so far as I can tell will result in the Duchy having no one to fill the seat. While I personally find his behavior intolerable, I am unsure that it warrants a response which could backfire and make this a failure of the Council, not the Raven.
Julien, as a Lawbringer, what evidence can you provide to why we should take this course of action?
We don't have to like each other, but we do have to work to solve the troubles of the realm. How can we end this pointless bickering and get on with our job?
It is not my job to do exactly as you want Toussaint.
You are one person on the council. Not the entire council.
I called you to review since from what I have seen in the files you tried to fine Tilverton for the actions of mercenaries after we had already condemned their actions.
You then met with Hans behind closed doors and without seeking approval from the rest of the council offered on behalf of the council to stop a bounty being issued or pardon them if they would defect or kidnap 2 serfs from Tilverton and take them to Eveningstar.
You tried to get a crime against Duke Misrim commited on behalf of the council.
I have no problems with anyone else on the council and welcome them to speak or write to me to see how we can best work together for the kingdoms benefit.
The two concerns are thus:
The Murrain's magical rite is an ongoing threat that likely already killed dozens of the kings subjects and will likely take several operations of effort to end. Considering Pierre's close relationship with the group and proven lack of honor, can we really be sure he won't tell the Murrain what we are up to at critical moments?
The other one is his general conduct
Just quit the council.
You lost the duel, Accept it
This comment is nothing to with the subjects topic and similar sort of comments and derailment are common for him, as well as a general tendercy to try and twist any comment into his version of reality. As the 12 our duty is to handle matters of importance to the state and discuss them in a serous manner.. not turn even topic raised by a member of the 12 we dislike into a mudslinging contest.
Petty personal matter have no place on the Council.
Dame Drakebane
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