Helmlands Research Facility
Hmmm! The Seekers of the Fallen Stars. I haven't had the pleasure of having a sit down and extended conversation with this group of people, but I've only heard good things about them so far. I did get a chance to meet with one of the Seekers, a man by the name of Al-Rashid. He's done well, helping get rid of many of the summoning circles that have been bleeding outsiders into our lands. He's also the one that alerted me to the appearance of this "Lady of Bells".
I think we should do what we can to help them out with this request.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
These halls shall serve as a bastian against the threats that linger within the helmlands and forest of eyes. It is what we need if we are to overcome the horrors and abberations that linger within those regions and inturn the large, freshly awoken gargantiuan beholder whom serves the devourer of gods.
-Loreseeker Eshan of the Seekers of Fallen stars.
In order for me to consider this the seekers would need to condemn Tilverton and the Murrain, and take a stand against tyranny. Thusfar they have avoided this and claim that some beholder is the primary threat in the region.
The Precept Arcanum supports the Seeker in the reclamation of the old research facility. Mister Al-Rashid also informed us that the facility will be opened to all who seek to end this threat and study the Helmlands.
The Seekers should become the custodians of the Facility in the name of Arabel, until the time they no longer wish this responsibility. Upon that time, the council can decide who will be the next custodian, unless a better opportunity has arised for the location.
True Bloodhound Ydira
Was anyone else anything to add in regards to this? If not I shall put it up for vote.
-Loreseeker Eshan
Start to vote. This has lingered long enough.
True Bloodhound Ydira
With the Seekers of the Fallen Star gone, the facility is left vacant. Unless another worthy group is suggested and approved to take over, I suggest the Facility falls under the Council's authority.
The Beholder Hive is a grave problem that must be monitored and handled. The Precept Arcanum have a vested interests in the matter and seek to see this facility up and running once more.
The current terms are as follow:
"The Facility in the Helmalnds is to be retaken by and subsequently put under the care and supervision of the [Caretaker's name or Organization], in the name of the Kingdom of Arabel.
This under the supervision and sponsorship from House Mossmere.
The Land remains under the ownership of the Crown until their Majesties decide grants it to them or any other worthy citizens or faction of Arabel. The management of the Facility and its lands will be in the care of the [Caretaker] organization until the time they no longer wish to have custodianship, or the Crown deems them no longer worthy.
The Facility will mainly be used for Research on the Helmlands and facing the threat of the Beholder Hive. Its purpose will expand with time and under the care of the [Caretaker].
Management of the facility and its lands includes renovations, expansions, the creation of any new research project or magical experiment.
The Facility will be under some exemptions when it comes to the magical matters of law, which were granted to the former owners at the time. Common sense is of course demanded. Any specifications can be provided by the Arabellan Court Wizard."
Should House Mossmere no longer wish to sponsor and supervise, this duty could be passed on to the Council. The Precept Arcanum offers its services in the matter should the Council and the House decline these duties.
The wizard called Jace Throgmorton seeks entry to the Facility to continue research he had started with his master Alistair of the Seekers. He is working on the beholder threat along other issues, like the Purple Worm threatning Tilverton. A potential candidate as caretaker.
What are the council's thoughts on the matter?
-True Bloodhound Ydira
Jace is a solid choice. I wouldn't mind allowing him to have this facility to continue his work.
-Raven Jenny Whitlock
Before we grant it someone else I would like us to enter it ourselves and recover any information of use on the beholders.
It seems the Seekers councillor left shortly after they got the facility so we don't know if they learned anything that would aid combat this threat
Sir Pierre
From what I can tell, they barely made use of it.
- Clerk Robinson
I would agree with you there, Sir Cambrian.
It is why I suggested the Council be granted custodianship until a suitable party is decided. Jace can be given access as a researcher.
Perhaps we could sell permits to use the facility for research? The council would veto and grant access. There are several possibilities to this situation.
I take it we have access and of course the keys? I request a few copies to hand out to a select few of my family and to Jace so he can continue the research on the beholder hive. This has been dragging on long enough and the facility needs to be used again for its purpose.
I believe House Mossmere funded the facility and the council itself doesn't have keys.
Neither does Jace as far as I know.
Sir Pierre
Besides busting in, surely someone has a set of keys in the Palace.
The Precept Arcanum has obtained the files.
There was little of use in them.The outpost is empty, and has no special equipment within.
Mossmere's sponsorship appears to have achieved nothing. The Seekers leader was on a personal quest for power, which happened to align with defeating a beholder.
File can be closed.
-Izereth Caul
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