A call to action!
This Council was not created for politics but to handle extraordinary threats to the country, which we have many of at this time. This war is low on the priority list.
The Beholders of the Helmlands, the Demon-worshipping Sahuagins of the Lake, the Slaadi plague, and now the Red Mist, are greater priorities in the eye of the Precept Arcanum due to their magical nature. And it is one of the purpose of the Precept Arcanum to handle such matters.
I do not choose to do nothing, Councilor Argun, I choose to see to the greater threats.
True Bloodhound Ydira
Actually well said and more constructive than my response. But I stand by both.
Raven Arn Targon
I take umbrage at this line as I've been busy dealing with Slaadi infestations.
And so, it is now that we point our fingers at you, the other members of the council of twelve and the city of Arabel. For you have chosen, to do nothing! You have allowed the sinful vices of contentment, ignorance, and fear to bind you!
Please redact this.
-Wildwalker Sunny
I am of the mind that reform is superior to war, and that Tilverton treatment of it's serfs is letting down the kingdom as whole.. no lord should ever feel killing 50 people in there care is aceptable usage of there authority, especialy when the deaths include children.
Thus I ask what reforms to the treatment and protections of serfs would make the Lathanderites consider peace being on the table once more, and ask that the Ravens look at these reforms with serous eyes.
I am fully aware and understand there are many things to do in the Kingdom to keep it safe. I do not claim that the council has done nothing to protect it.
Eveningstar has helped with all of these matters from the Red-fog and Mist to the South, the rising undead, to the undead troubles of Deadwell, to the Bandits strung throughout the Stonelands, to the Slaadi infestation of our forests and sewers, to the rabid rat-king curse affecting many people, to the plaguing of our crops, and to the fishmen invasion of Immersea.
Stating here and now that "We are too busy to deal with this" is absurd. The only thing Arabel has done is claim to remain neutral on the affair and state that no fighting shall be done to damage Arabel city itself.
Once again, I say that Arabel must do something. The council must step in and save the citizens of Tilverton, lest they fail at their duties. The High Bishop has already stated three conditions to do so, all we must do is enforce them. This will be the last I speak on this matter however, as you've all heard this many times already.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
I will hold you to your promise 5hat this is the last you speak of it.
Raven Arn Targon
I can personally attest to the foul machinations of the Ravens of Tilverton under the rule of Duke Obyn. He rules through threats of violence and his serfs are treated no better than slaves. His servants have the morals of a louse, and would not consider any vile act too low in their endless quest to earn a pat on the back from their leader.
Priests are unable to give sermons within his lands without the permission of the Ravens, and they only give such permission when it suits them.
That we can sit here and speak of greater threats is a travesty, your inaction is leading to untold suffering.
Make no mistake here, the Church of Tymora fully supports Eveningstar in this war, and I intend to spend the coming days gathering what allies I can.
You know what? I'll help against the beholder threat too, as it turns out we don't need to choose one issue or another.
Luckkeeper Alexander Kincaid
Can we trust your word on this? Or are you merely here to report on the Twelves achievements to the Bloody Baker?
-Clerk Steinhouser
That's what they all do, Clerk Steinhouser.
-Clerk Johnson
But this one is an admitted spy!
Therefore, it's impossible to truly trust him, or trust his opinion of you. He's a liar, and liars can't be trusted. Sadly, some people are so horribly uncomfortable with what lies beneath the surface that they alter reality. They get so used to lying and shading the truth that even they begin to believe their own lies. Now he is here, he watches over -our- shoulders, and will be treated the same as his former masters?
-Clerk Steinhouser
All clerks are summoned to the meeting room.
Dame Drakebane
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