It has become clear that Eveningstar has concluded they are not part of the kingdom. After the High council and the King had ruled on Ravos's misdeeds, they make demands of the duchy and go to war. Now they leave the 12. It is obvious, that they think they are better than us, and that they do not need us. They are still part of this kingdom. If they do not remember that, then we should remind them. I wish to discuss the new secular leadership of Eveningstar. I believe we should appoint one of the King's advisors to become the acting mayor until a suitable, long term solution is found. Let the Bishop rule his temple. Keep him out of the affairs of the Kingdom, that he no longer deems worthy of him.
For the King. For the Queen, for the Kingdom!
Raven Arn Targon -
The decision of one dawnsquire doesn't represent the Temple.
Please halt your grandstanding while the House of the Morning gets their affairs in order.
Clerk Boris
The alleged decisions I made, started a war. I am just giving her equal due. Of course if we must put it in official record that because of my intrinsic importance things I am accused of doing are of more import than things she actually did.... so be it.
Raven Arn Targon
Good clerk. I think so, but confirming for the record, am I more important than a Dawnsquire and a Dawn Hammer? Or can we discuss this?
@orin1234 In what context?
If you mean in what context am I better than them? All. If you mean why do I say now about adding a Dawn Hammer? The Dawn Hammer now says, join him or we should end the Council of 12. They have nothing but distain for the rest of the Kingdom. His key not yet warm in his hand.
Raven Arn Targon -
No further note or word is left in this file. However, a glow does come from it. Upon closer inspection, one would find that a simple light spell had been casted on it which kept the paper glowing for hours upon hours. Perhaps a prank, or perhaps an unspoken message. Who's to say?
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