On Hold: Proposal for a new Councilor
[Hand written with rather small font]
Dame Drakebane and councilors, I wish to sponsor a nomination for Zenni Weatherbee for a spot in one of the twelve. She is a bold hin, always assisting with problems at hand, a very skilled crafter in tailoring, and a high preforming hunter. She is one of the members at the Golden Leaf, and a great scout, I've done jobs along side Zenni and feel she would be a good fit for one of the twelve.
James Underhill
I find Zenni worthy, but recommend we look outside the Gold Leaf Trading Company. My understanding is you are a member James. That is giving more seats to the company than Eveningstar. If you were to step down, I would welcome her as your replacement. Though I think you will do more good staying on.
Raven Arn Targon
You are correct Raven Targon. I am part of that company, but not in the same department, I've not done much with it yet as I have no craft, but hoping to roll out the adventuring side of it a little more instead of just some treasure hunts under their name, but granted the same company I see your concern. I wish not at this time to step down. That said, there are multiple seats open I'm sure there could be more nominations for other representatives of other parts including Eveningstar.
James Underhill
An organization cannot have more than one seat.
Clerk Johnson