Olouth / Evelyn Lythlorn / House of the Morning/AsterRank 2-Set Up
- Olouth wants to make a non ECL (aasimar) character for the faction
- Hopes to just start in said faction
- Posting this because I'm not sure about the goals and wanted the team to know what he intends.
Expand Eveningstars influence, by swing of sword and good deed
Become a bigger power player, by finding a way to allow non Lathanderites into the Aster, or having the church sponsor a "new" paladin order (both an IG and OOC goal)
I will have plot goals regarding the south horn (time that plot finishes up)
And if I can find a way, to create a war with Tilverton to remove an evil dictator.
The main objective, is to turn Eveningstar into a beacon of light, and gathering point for all "goodly types", rather than the rather fanatical, isolated approach when the faction was first launched.
[9:27 AM] Olouth (Between concepts): will I be thrown out on my rear end, if I quit the aasimar paladin, only to roll a non ecl paladin and reapply for House of the Morning?
[10:10 AM] Professor Misclick: Why?
[10:33 AM] Olouth (Between concepts): The aasimar aspect of the concept is harder to pull of so it feels real, and the ecl is hard to get around. So I struggle more than I thought i would
[2:52 PM] Professor Misclick: Sure. New character. Fresh start?
[2:53 PM] Olouth (Between concepts): I cannot see how I can remake or anything, so yeah. But that means back to awakened status, right?
[2:54 PM] Professor Misclick: Nah. Make a brand new character and we’ll just put you back to rank 2
[2:54 PM] Professor Misclick: Factions are supposed to be fun and joining easy.
[2:54 PM] Professor Misclick: Same goals etc?
[2:55 PM] Olouth (Between concepts): Yeah. Same “idea and concept”, but without all the aasimar stuff. Same knightly code at least.
[2:56 PM] Olouth (Between concepts): But new name, new background etc.
[2:57 PM] Professor Misclick: Ok. I don’t see that as a problem. Let me just drop the question for the team to make sure. If you’re human don’t really need a full blown app. Just toss me the revised goals for the faction and we’ll go from there.
[3:05 PM] Olouth (Between concepts): Thanks bud! I’ll write them in the morning and forward them to you.
[3:05 PM] Professor Misclick: [3:00 PM] Man in the Mist: No olouth should have to keep playing their char even if they hate it
[3:00 PM] Professor Misclick: I’ll tell him you said that.
[3:05 PM] Professor Misclick: [3:00 PM] Man in the Mist: If he wanted to have fun he should have played hello kitty island instead
[3:00 PM] Man in the Mist: Tell him I said that
[3:05 PM] Olouth (Between concepts): He is such a jerk!!!
[3:05 PM] Professor Misclick:
[3:06 PM] Professor Misclick: Send me the goals when you get to it.
[11:07 PM] Olouth (Between concepts): Goals:
Expand Eveningstars influence, by swing of sword and good deed
Become a bigger power player, by finding a way to allow non Lathanderites into the Aster, or having the church sponsor a "new" paladin order (both an IG and OOC goal)
I will have plot goals regarding the south horn (time that plot finishes up)
And if I can find a way, to create a war with Tilverton to remove an evil dictator.
[11:12 PM] Olouth (Between concepts): The main objective, is to turn Eveningstar into a beacon of light, and gathering point for all "goodly types", rather than the rather fanatical, isolated approach when the faction was first launched.
January 13, 2022
[8:11 AM] Professor Misclick: Got it. I’ll post it once I get the morning stuff done.
[8:12 AM] Olouth (Between concepts): Cool. If you want an actual app I’ll be happy to write one, just let me know.
[8:36 AM] Professor Misclick: It’s fine.
[10:16 AM] Professor Misclick: What is you PCs new name? -
---Become a bigger power player, by finding a way to allow non Lathanderites into the Aster, or having the church sponsor a "new" paladin order (both an IG and OOC goal)---
This goal is... Quite a reach. Paladin orders are by no means against one another, but its incredibly hard for them to actually come to an agreement like the Triad.
I'd suggest to him that encouraging the HoM expand the church to allow other supporting non-lathander dedicated but lathander-interest groups into the house.
Like a Hierarchy, where the Aster have a direct line to the church, but the other various support groups are vying for the approval of the Aster so they can receive the official clergys support.
Just a thought!
Ignoring my long dumb blurb,
Olouth recreating as non-asamir and joining at rank 2 seems fine with everyone?
I guess. Isn’t he doing this Cormyr thing now?
After speaking with the player, they want to go the HoM route and were apparently just making noise about Cormyr.
Wage/Rank2/Key set up.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on