SturdyRageFists /Character name: Maria Matchstick /Race: Cansin
Topic Title: SturdyRageFists /Character name: Maria Matchstick /Race: Cansin
1. Race: Cansin /Class: Sorcerer / Alignment: CG / Level: 4/ Name: Maria Matchstick2. What you are applying for: ** Race (Planestouched: Cansin)
3. General outline of Goals, Plans, or Storylines to Pursue **
I want to use the character to interact with other players in a fun way, a bit of a joke character. I wish to Roleplay as a Cansin to have changing hair and eye color based on emotions. Similar to N. Tonks from Harry Potter. (No full Morphing of features how ever)4. Brief background of the character
Maria was born to a family of common folk when her gift manifested at the age of three. she began having outfits of random magic due to her ancestry descending from the plane of
Limbo. No one knows who or why this happened but her family tried hiding her gifts from being discovered. in order for the family to keep her secret they found themselves doing dirty tasks for the local gang. it was at the age of 16 she had caused a fire that cost the life of her family seemingly by accident. it just so happened that Maria was no where to be found after the fire and many just thought she died in the flames. she would spend the next four years wandering from town to town, where odd happening would seem to fallow her. she worked to be a crafter, selling her creations, as well as odd jobs just to make ends meet.
when the silence happened, a lot of the chaos that seemed to fallow her dimmed, but she could tell it was still there, causing odd and random things to happen.
She makes her way to Arabel in hopes that this town might be the one that she settles in, but doubt plagues her mind. -
Yes because, meh who cares.
But I'm really not a fan of 'joke' characters?
Not a fan of characters whose whole point is to be a joke.
They can tell jokes, they can be funny, but if the point is to be ridiculous, my vote will be no.
I'm voting no, cause I don't believe in passing a vote just cause. Its all a joke and its gonna be short lived, do something serious instead that will last
Application characters should be something taken seriously. Even if its for the minor subraces. Its not made for throw away characters that are made to be ridiculous.
If he wants to take this serious, his character can be funny, irresponsible, chaotic, doing all she can to get away from the strange happenings around her or try to be super friendly to throw suspicions off her. But this isn't a joke.
He can use the normal races to make a joke PC all he wants.
Perhaps an admin could make it clear and then we can revise the vote?
Not voting at the moment due to inactivity but---
This doesn't even really fit the criteria for an app.
Where does it say how they will roleplay as a Cansin? (unless you count colour changes based on emotions, which I personally dont - that's just an element of the roleplay)
So if I was voting, it'd be a no due to that.
[5:40 AM] onimisho: Hey I'm still at work but I was wondering has the application been approved or denied yet?
[2:22 PM] Professor Misclick: General consensus is no. Needs more info on how you intend to RP the subrace and there is a question about "joke character" -
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on