[Set]Vague Hope(Sparrow)/ Aeris Demea /Aasimar paladin of Mystra
((REVISED: switching from a magic-driven elf/aasimar paladin of Corellon to a human/aasimar paladin of Mystra.))
A wandering aasimar paladin of Mystra.
Passionate and uncompromising when it comes to protecting magic and imbalances in the Weave, she'll be naturally drawn towards evil forces dwelling in and around Arabel and its forests, the plight of the Helmlands, and undoing the harm wrought by the Black Tower. She'll also attempt to oppose both the Precept and Eveningstar, finding their explorations into the higher and lower planes reproachful.
Other plot ideas~
*Form a knightly order dedicated to the protection and preservation of Magic
*Find out what happened to Mystra
*Destroy the beholder hiveFeatures: Silver hair, golden eyes, tall.
Characteristics: Militant, uncompromising in her beliefs. Raised to believe her lineage is her duty. -
I mean, I guess, sure. -
[10:31 AM] liira: gaaaaaaaaaasp
[10:31 AM] liira: Mystic Fire Knights are part of the setting?
[12:16 PM] Professor Misclick: In previous versions there was a temple to Mystra with the Buff bot...err dweomerkeeper Raznor. The was a player who iirc was approved for knight.
[12:17 PM] Professor Misclick: Plus I think it's a cool af paladin order
[12:17 PM] liira: it is!
[12:18 PM] liira: this makes me happy
[12:18 PM] Professor Misclick: Then that makes me happy
[12:18 PM] liira: I assume it's something that must be EiG/apped?
[12:18 PM] Professor Misclick:
[12:18 PM] Professor Misclick: Yep
[12:18 PM] Professor Misclick: EiG would be best.
[12:18 PM] Professor Misclick: But!
[12:19 PM] Professor Misclick: There was some ground work laid ICly already by the Gatha group for something like this
[12:24 PM] liira: I have some friends wanting to join my Mystran concept thing but none of them are paladins, so I think the current plan is to come up with an order/company of our own until Knight can be properly earned ig, which we're hoping is an avenue that will be open to them as well (edited)
[12:25 PM] liira: they're a cleric, wizard, and ranger
[12:34 PM] Professor Misclick: There is another Mystra group for Rangers. Order of the Shooting Stars which is tied to Mytra. Cleric can work towards a shrine and maybe OC. Wizard can work towards a Tower type thing. All under the Mystra banner
[12:36 PM] Professor Misclick: So plenty of options for Mystra stuff that may lead who know where?
[12:59 PM] liira: yeah! I think they're more excited about the knightly angle though, but we'll see how it goes
[1:04 PM] Professor Misclick: Sure. Mystic Fire is a Paladin order so fair warning when concepting and setting goals
[1:05 PM] liira: I'll let 'em know
[1:05 PM] Professor Misclick: Great
[1:38 PM] liira: would a paladin level suffice?
[1:38 PM] liira: like if the wizard went 1 paladin/x wizard
[4:37 PM] Professor Misclick: Likely fine. KotMF says paladins can freely multi class as Wizard
[4:39 PM] Professor Misclick: We don’t bother with multi class silliness restricting Paladins and multi classing as was done before but have to have some paladin levels at least to get into KotMF
January 8, 2022
[10:18 AM] liira: May I ask how my app is doing?
[10:18 AM] Professor Misclick: I shall check!
[10:21 AM] Professor Misclick: Aasimar is approved. The other stuff (KotMF) as discussed is eig
10:22 AM] liira:
[10:22 AM] liira: Awesome -
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on