Closed:Of Ruoh
This oathbreaker is not to be protected by the Council of 12. Any retainer who abandons their oaths such as he is a stain on the honor of all leal servants who serve their masters.
- The High Council
In a show of mercy and grace from Tiverton, I made sure the the oathbreaker understood his option to surrender. He made it plain, he will not take that course of action. As he surrounded himself with the crowd in the faceless, I did not pursue it further.
The disgraced former councilor, Brute from the Greywatch claimed he will not allow the Dukes men, rightful actions against Ruoh or others in the City. Be forewarned, he might ally with the oathbreaker if you try to claim the bounty. If he does, capture him as well and present him to Tiverton and I will see you compensated. Again, only if he interferes.
Raven Arn Targon
To the most respectable high council. I know these are turbulent times, and I do not believe any here wish to argue with your decrees, however the events surrounding this individual worry many of us. Not just on the council, but many other adventurers as well.
I imagine it won't be surprising to find that there are many who will wish to aid Ruoh against any bounty hunters that may come against him. I also imagine there are many that find the circumstances of his departure from the Raven's and the Duke's service to be justified. How are these individuals to be treated? Will aiding Ruoh be seen as a crime in itself? Can the Duke's bounty be rightfully claimed anywhere within the kingdom, or just the Duchy?
-William Thatcher
What are these circumstances that are "Justified"? As I see it, Ruoh took an oath to serve and obey the will of his Grace, Duke Obyn Misrim. He swore to only bring honor to the Duke's name.
He decides to aid one of his fellows, fails, then puts the blame on said equal. Runs, publicly rebukes the Ravens and the Duke via the sending system. Denouncing us, saying we were making him a thug and a murderer.
He was given no orders, he was not lied to, he was not coerced. He chose to do something, failed at it, and called foul. He could have not participated. Had he opposed, he could have just explained himself. He could have come to Tiverton and asked to be released from his oath. All these options before him, and he chooses to be an Oathbreaker.
Also, I remind the current Council of the fate of one of our former members, Dextar Jes'tar. Was he not put to death in Eveningstar, for oathbreaking? Why would we councilors allow one city to invoke their rights, but interfere in another to do the same, under the same circumstances? Why would we protect any that stood in the way of justice? I say, warn them off. If they persist, beat them down. They are breaking the law.
That's just it, I do not know about the circumstances. With all due respect, I'm the only one I know of who has actually tried to investigate the event and figure out what happened, and even that is as of yet incomplete as I haven't had a chance to speak with Merago the halfling or mister Pierre to get their recounts of what happened.
You're going to tell me that the Duke employs people into his service who are as so dumb minded that they would throw away their livelihood and get a bounty put out on themselves, for absolutely no reason? No, you would have to be a complete imbecile to believe that.
In any case, I am saying that, with what I HAVE learned thus far, that Ruoh has those who support his decision. I am just asking for clarification on how those individuals should be treated.
-William Thatcher
The last instruction I received from Warden Rawen, was to make Ruoh a Raven. I honored that instruction. No organization has a perfect record on choosing members. You and I are on this Council because the whole of them were dismissed. This does reflect on the King and Queen to a minor degree as they are the monarchs, we all know where the blame lies. It is the failure of those councilors. Your words avoided insulting the Duke, by a knifes edge. Do not make the mistake of crossing that line.
You are not the only one that investigated the matter. I spoke to Ruoh and to Pierre. I had not come across Merago, but really their testimony is only good to explain what happened in the skirmish. The bounty on him is for oathbreaking. Which he confesses. And with which there is much public evidence. As I explained, he had many choices to pursue that would have been lawful and right. He chose to be an oathbreaker.
Traitors find no haven in Arabel.
- Saga
The orc is dead, killed by William.
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