[Set]Cadiz/NE Wererat Druid
Topic Title: unmade talona druid wererat
1). Race/Class/Alignment/Level/Name of Character - human/wererat/ne/dr
uid/unmade yet
2). What specific perk(s) (subrace, faction, etc) wererat
3). A general outline of goals, plans, or storylines to pursue - unleash disease upon the city + alchemy for poisons more for rp use posioning the well etc than applying to weapons i think, hopefully join with other druids to push druid agenda in wilds and hopefully furies druids to bring chaos to the region making the wilds unsafe for city folk, potential link into the tsuggomny cult and corruption of this druid in his attempts to reduce the civilised regions to anarchy
4). If you're not applying on your normal log-in or handle, what accounts have you played under? blood makes noise, cadiz ;) -
Cadiz has earned something of this level imo but the app could use more detail. Flaws/strengths, triggers, etc
@primordial said in Cadiz/NE Wererat Druid:
the app could use more detail. Flaws/strengths, triggers, etc
Agreed. Will talk with him
From Cadiz via PM:
The character will be suitably shabby for one that has no desire to conform with civilised norms, relishing the plague bearer status that they hold.
They will be vocal about the need to appease talona to stave off any ilness but not preaching as a cleric.
I would hope that i would be able to get ravens to invest in an anti eveningstar aggression and possibly the other way around too, though that would be harder due to the LG no assasinations/underhanded tactics using feral animals to infect the duchy etc. would plan to sell infection of eveningstar as a proposal to the ravens but would then look to expand the area of affect whilst laying the blame with the ravens.
If there are otehr druids about malarite hunts/talossan storm calling/umberlee flooding all potetnial things to pursue - mostly able to do these dmless i would think.
The rat should have a fear of fire, and ought to run away from that confrontation - this could be the hybrid trigger also but would have thought that it would be the animal trigger instead. (not sure if that is suitable for a lycan trigger)
Natural born lycan as opposed to acquired. Would hope that i will be allowed to infect others in game by way of recruitment to the plot of infecting the city with a plague and to help with mass poisonings of smaller villages.
Votes please
This gives me an idea for a grove...
Moving to 24 hour confirmation
Informed Cadiz he's approved.
Wage, Discord, and Forum done.
Echo took over the Wererat set up.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on