[DISCARDED] Acemv/Markus Muirmei/Aasimar
"I plan to show my character is a Aasimar Paladin through his golden eyes and the feathers interspersed through his hair. His outwardly calm demeanor belies a brash and hotheaded personality that chafes against anyone who disagrees with him on the "right thing" to do. This stems from an unwavering self-righteousness born of constant affirmation from his parents and those around him that his celestial blood made him "naturally good." While too well-mannered to be too petty if the majority opinion turns against him, he is not above being petulant and sulking. He worships Hoar rather than Ilmater (unlike his parents and the clerics who raised him) not just because he agrees with proactively meting out justice (or vengeance) against those who deserve it, but because he thinks he can "get away" with more."
Meets the basics for aasimar?
Calling this approved
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