Closed-Proposal: Nominees for the Roster
[Written with a neat hand and sealed with the Moonsilver crest]
Dame Drakebane and councilors, with respect to the assignment I was given, I have sought out many in our lands and spoken to each of the factions besides seeking their input on the matter of our roster. My wish is that we have a diverse group of good character and heroic deeds, and in that spirit, I move to nominate to fill the vacant seats of merit with the following:
First is Miss Sasha Xisdrith the Silver, Paladin of the Elder Dragons. I have known her to be honourable, principled, and eager to do good where ever it is needed. Her goal is to defend innocents and serve to better the kingdom so I am proud to sponsor her nomination.
Next is Mister William Thatcher of Torm. His heart is noble and his spirit brave. Just yesterday I saw him risk life and limb to save a bandit of all people from a grisly death at the hands of a massive stone elemental that even had Raven Rawen afraid to battle it. He aids those in need without question and has shown wisdom which would benefit the Twelve, so I wish to sponsor his nomination.
Another is the Tyrran Julien Toussaint. I have not personally met him, but he comes recommended from multiple sources whom I trust. My understanding is he seeks to keep the peace and ease tensions, both of which are shared goals for us all, and therefore I wish to sponsor his nomination.
Last, though not least is a hin by the name of James Underhill, a treasure-hunter by trade, and his good cheer and bold spirit are an inspiration to me. I believe he would be a welcome addition to the Twelve, so I sponsor his nomination.
If I have a second for these nominations, I move we put them to a vote.
In service to Arabel and Tymora,
Luckbringer Grete Moonsilver -
[Written in a simple, elegant style]
I have met Mister Thatcher and agree with this assessment. Some seasoning would do him good but he is unafraid to put his ideals to the test. A man of conviction.
I second his nomination.
I have also met Mr Underhill and again, agree with the assessment. I would caution his lust for treasure but his survival speaks to his talents. He is a jolly fellow.
I second his nomination.
I have not met either Miss Xisdrith or Mister Toussaint in person and cannot say either way on their suitability.
Send the letters of invitation out.
Dame Drakebane.
[another note is appended in the same neat hand with the same crest]
When updating the roster, I noticed there is one remaining seat, and I move we offer it to Zenni Weatherbee of the Golden Leaf Mercantile Company. Zenni is a able hunter, a skilled tailor, and a cunning scout. I feel her talents would be of good use on the Twelve.
Councilor Underhill has a key of office and has been briefed on his duties. I will seek the others as soon as I can find them.
I met with Mister Thatcher, and showed him around, answering his questions, but the key basket was empty, so he has yet to get a key.
Also Dame Drakebane, Raven Rawen said as a Warden of House Misrim he has right to a seat on the council, in addition to the one the Ravens usually hold. I told him I thought noble representatives were on the High Council and I would check with you. If what he says is so, we may need to withdraw the nomination for Miss Weatherbee lest the Twelve be called the Thirteen, though I would count that a great loss to the Council.
I met with Councilor Toussaint, he has his key of office and has been briefed on the priorities of the Council. Please grant him access to the archives.
Councilors Sasha and William are available now if copies of the key can be found.
S Shadowfax moved this topic from Plot Faction: Council of Twelve Peers on