Letter: Dames Drakesbane
Dame Drakesbane
I write to you on the red gem and the events that led to Councillor Tyrells death and the vote to remove Ethel
Due to her romantic relationship with Miel, the holder of the ring, Several of the council felt her actions were deceptive, dangerous and not in the spirit of the council.
For example forming a link between herself and the ring which she claims you knew of but was hidden from the rest of the council and creating a decoy ring to try and decieve the precept.
Due to the decoy being destroyed in Zuguks lair and many seeing the links effects at first Ethel wished to break the link in the cave but was strongly advised against it due to the group being worn out.
A few days later I came upon Ethel, Miel, Tyrel, Grete and Venople in the palace arena preparing some manner of ritual, I asked them the purpose and advise they not perform it in the palace due to the risk to the royals.
They refused to say what it was for and told me to wait outside and not let anyone else in, Unfortunately Misa was able to sneak past me and enter without me noticing the door open.
During the ritual I felt the ground shake and heard combat within the room, fearing the ritual may have failed I entered the room to put down the threat and saw strange beings appearing like magical energy attacking those within.
Tyrel yelled at me to get out of the room which I did.
Soon after I heard more commotion in the room and scratching at the door, I opened it to see if there was another threat and a cat ran out,
It was caught and taken back in, It was then Tyrel collapsed from exhaustion and burst into flames.
It was then revealed the purpose of the ritual was to remove the link from Ethel and put it on her familar hoping it would eventually fade.
Had the council been notified of the ritual and it been performed elsewhere it is most likely the tragedy that claimed Gareth could have been avoided.
//A additional letter is sent
Dame Drakesbane,
Pierre informed me of his letter to you and I just want to make sure there are no bad feelings held. I also heard you were in attendance to his Highness, the Duke's brother in law as he spoke with the members of the Gatha. I heard that the council made a clean break with all councilors other than Luckbringer Grete. Was this a visit we of the council should be made aware of?Raven Arn Targon
Councilor Targon,
Countess Islyn invited me for tea and it would have been poor manners to refuse. Former Councilor Blythe and the Gatha were invited as well to discuss their part in the death of Councilor Tylel and the gem at the behest of the Countess, not myself.
Should you wish to know more, I believe Councilor Aurora has ties with the Gatha.
As to the role of your plucked Raven in the death of a Councilor and other transgressions, I harbor no ill will to the people of Tilverton or the Ravens as subjects of their Majesties.
Dame Sage Drakebane
First Peer of the Twelve
Royal Advisor -
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