[Set]Gruffman Promotion, Rank 4/Special Position Black Coin
Would be named Vice Flock-Leader, spearheading the subterfuge and underhanded nature of the coming war with Eveningstar.
is doing good work promoting Obyn's Agenda and stuff.
Balances out Verk's authority and hamfistedness.
I think he's great, and whilst I'm for it. He'll need a major achievement first no?
I am for it, his loyalty has been tested early in the characters development and he has taken major risks in the interests of obyn/the flock.
I think he is even wanted by the greywatch?
Before I vote I’d like to know
What perks are going to be granted? Any custom items? Is this going to be like a special position and have reliable NPC support which is a departure from how the Ravens are set up? If yes to NPC then what NPCs? Where are the write ups with stated goals etc?
Need more information please
All rank 4 gets that is generic and documented is a wage increase to 75.
Give him a wage raise, and a cool item for his work. Then hint he needs a major success, to rise above them all.
If he pulls this off then my vote is yes. Total boss move.
Pierre is apologizing instead of opposing James
James promoted to Rank 4/Special Position House of the Black Coin.
- Wage set to 75
- Custom cloak being made by @Primordial who will post stats here we agreed to IG
- *
Official name is
Sentinelof the Duchy and he carries the equivalent rank of a Knight.Edit: I was outvoted. Title is Warden
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on