Incident Report: Church of Tymora, Eveningstar, Tilverton
[The report is exquisite in quillmanship, with elegant strokes and flowing script]
Last evening a call went out for adventurers to gather at the Tymoran Temple. The High priestess informed those gathered (Grete Moonsilver, Brutus, Misa Leonalloud, Viktoria Riversnow, a chastised James Rawen and an elf whos name escapes me but Talana for this record of the below
Announcing to those assembled that Grete was put in charge of a mission to prove her worth in joining the Church as a clergywoman. Stating that Tymora actually does something to change the lives of people, she revealed that High Dawnlord Belon had asked her for a favor. She told Grete and others that a high value shipment of arms and armor was heading to an unnamed town and we were to raid, appropriate the shipment and see it sent to Eveningstar. The High Luckbringer did not specifically name Tilverton as the subject ,even when pressed, but it was obvious in short order. She went so far as to threaten the withdrawal of the Church's support from the City of Arabel against this "unnamed town" We were to be paid a sum of 750 coin by the High Dawnlord upon delivery.
Brutus quickly joined with Grete saying a little banditry is good.
Misa Leonalloud and the elf refused any part of this and left in disgust for the Faceless
Viktoria Riversnow though not a councilor announced that the Precept is neutral in this conflict between Eveningstar and Tilverton
James Rawen though ordered to remain seated in the temple, seized on a moment of distraction to flee.For my part I attempted to dissuade the High Luckbringer on this. Failing to sway her I pursued Grete and Brutus and another. I attempted to reason with them, my desire not to side with Tilverton, but to avoid an escalation of tensions. My attempts to reason with them were met with distain. They both seemed willing to put aside all reason, law and security of the Kingdom to pursue their banditry. Imploring them to not continue as it will not find favour with the King, Grete's rebuttal was if his Majesty has a problem, well then he can come talk to her.
Grete and Brutus located the caravan out side of Slingdyke under the protection of a Black Chalice Knight and TIlverton's peasant militia. After a brief exchange where the Knight refused to yield the goods Grete and Brutus attacked. Their companion, one Arn revealed himself at that moment to be a Tilverton loyalist but his meager efforts to aid the caravan were quickly overwhelmed.
Calculating that help from TIlverton must be on its way, having watched one of their own flee I monitored the battle. When it became clear that no help was coming from Tilverton I moved to end the conflict and subdued Brutus and Grete. Hoping that in doing so, any retaliation from the Duchy would be minimized.
I accompanied the prisoners Brutus and Grete to face their punishment at the hands of the Duke for their role. After much discussion the Duke agreed to ransom them back. Duke Obyn requests that Brutus remains on the Council.
For my efforts in this I was offered the sum of 2000 coin, which I refused and requested it be given to the families of the militia who were killed. Councilor Rawen promised to do so.
A sad day for the kingdom fellow councilors but one that might have turned far worse.
Gareth Tylel
Councilor Tylel, the Kingdom is at your debt for halting this before any further harm could be done. These conflicts are going too far, and we need to take swift action to show that this is unacceptable behavior. It is clear that many parties are at fault of these events, and whilst Ms Moonsilver, and Councilor Brutus were the ones who slayed innocent. We cannot forego the fact that the Temple of Tymora, and Church of Lathander both lead the charge. I entrust the higher councils, to ensure justice is served, as our lawbooks declare. However, the Council must too act so that peace remains.
I will discuss this further in the other relevant thread.
E.C. Blythe
E Encrypt moved this topic from Plot Faction: Council of Twelve Peers on
The war is over. Archived.