An Explanation Is Demanded
The House of the Morning has witnessed too many crimes of abuse and violence leveled at the innocents and common folk of the Kingdom of Arabelby the so called Ravens of Tilverton.
That they have murdered in cold blood an entire caravan of common folk that had decided that living under the oppression of Duke Obyn was sufficent reason to wish to relocate to another area of the Kingdom. These simple people wished only to have a better life but were mercilessly cut down, slaughtered to the man, woman and child on the orders of the Duke.
I myself have witnessed the murder of another, a man that had managed to survive the depravations and torments of Flameclaw the gnoll only to be literally gutted in cold blood because he wished to travel south to settle in Arabel.
That the Duke has written his laws stating that the common man has no rights but those given to him by his masters is morally wrong. But more than this, to then abuse and kill them because they wish to serve their King in preference to the Duke undermines the rule and influence of the King in his Kingdom.
Eveningstar has suffered many times at the hands of those that call Tilverton and the Raven's Nest their home, not least the Scarlet Cult that assaulted the Bishopric with a host of undeath.
I could go on writing moral arguements as to why the rule of Tilverton is unjust and unsuitable to be a representitive of our Kingdom's Rulers. However i will not as i believe it is plain for all to see that Tilverton acts in only Tilverton's benefit to the detriment of all others.
Unlike others that were not witnesses i will not comment directly on recent events.
Dawnbrother Aland Signe
The council should be a unifying voice and put the needs and well-being of the Kingdom and their Majesty's subjects at the forefront. It is regrettable that the Church of Tymora sought to intervene in such an inflammatory manner.
I am strongly against any recommendation to remove representation of the pillars of the Kingdom. The people of Eveningstar and Tilverton deserve to have their concerns heard and the threats to the realm demand that we put aside differences to defend the people, the land and ourselves.
His Grace, Duke Misrim as the wronged party, has levied his judgement on this matter through ransoming and sanctioning of the Greywatch and the Tymoran faith.
The ongoing tension and friction is of great concern. Both parties have a claim of wrong doing and a list of grievances. I would remind all those on the Twelve that the Bishop and the Duke both swore an oath of fealty to their Majesties. I would also remind my esteemed fellow councilors sponsored by prominent and valued groups of the realm, that the people of the Kingdom look to us as an example. As such, I am in agreement with Councilor Blythe that a formal statement from the Council condemning the entire incident be announced.
Councilor Gareth Tylel
Councilor Tylel is right, the in fighting is doing us no service and will only strengthen our enemies. Let us rise above the actions of the past, and look towards the future.
E.C. Blythe
I would happily add my name to a script denouncing the actions taken against my home. I find it difficult to believe that a list of names stating their concerns will carry much weight beyond our doors. I joined this council because it takes more than any one adventurer to get the job done, the job being the safety of the realm. But more importantly, it is an organization which takes action when no one else will.
Condemning these actions does nothing to resolve our issues, in fact, historically it merely enflames those in the West. I agree that the people look to us for an example, what sort of example does this set?
I turn to the council for leadership in this. If it was your home, if it was your people cut down by adventurers, would a poster suffice?
-J. Rawen
I remind this esteemed body that it was I, acting on the authority of this very council, that intervened to end this reckless and ill thought action against the Duchy of Tilverton. I accept there are enough of legacy grievances to inflame a variety of parties and interests yet unresolved. Issues that I will offer myself as a mediator for, unless their Majesties appoint another more worthy individual. However, it is time that the entirety of the council embrace the common cause that all are part of the Kingdom of Arabel, regardless of whomever sponsored the seat occupied.
The matter and any claims by Tilverton is resolved as actioned by the Duke himself and any additional posturing or punishment accomplishes nothing befitting this chamber. Their Majesties require a path to peace and stability. A show of unity would bring a sense of calm to the uncertain people of the realm.
Gareth Tylel
Councilor Tylel,
A parchment that states the council is united does not proof that the realm is united, and given recent events is quite obvious. A councilor may have thwarted the plot, but it was Brutus of the Greywatch, a councilor, who aided in its execution.
His Grace, Duke Obyn Misrim did state that this altercation between the Church of Tymora and the Greywatch is resolved. But this altercation is one of many, and I doubt a finely worded letter will cease Eveningstars attempts on our borders.
The Bishopric of Eveningstar, and the Ravens of Tilverton have recently acquired aspiring agents at both ends. I propose each councilor, both myself as Councilor of Tilverton, and Brother Aland Signe of Eveningstar step down, allowing for new blood to represent our organizations.
Nothing less than new eyes will resolve this, as words do little when knives are in play.
My suggestion is as follows;
Signe and myself are replaced as councilors for failing to stop the escalation, with hope that new eyes can aid where we have failed. A public announcement will surely be necessary here.
-J. Rawen
Councilor Rawen,
Perhaps the first step to a resolution and a show of leadership for the betterment of the Kingdom. I applaud your initiative and thoughtful consideration. On behalf of the council I will accept your resignation and look forward to welcoming the Duchy's new councilor when they present themselves. It was a pleasure to have you on this council and I look forward to our future engagements.
Gareth Tylel
[Rawen is later seen tossing his key to the nearest Clerk before exiting the hall]
As I stated in person to our new Councilor Cambrian. The Council of Twelve is not a law enforcement, nor does it have the position to judge or criminalize people of higher position than itself. As Duke Misrim has laid out his punishment, and the Council have no power to act upon the leaders of faith or nobility, this matter should be closed within the Council of Twelve.
E.C. Blythe
Tilvertons case is this
Though punishment was meted on the adventurers who took part in the attack the fact remains that this was an attack on the most gracious Dukes people orchestrated by The House of the Morning and Temple of Tymora.
If peace is desired I would suggest that the House of Morning makes a sizeable donation to support the families of those killed, and send a representative to Tilverton to explain why an attack was made on Tilverton a few days after we made a donation to ease tensions.
Despite Councillor Blythes views this is not something that can be waved away
I agree however this does not go far enough, Eveningstar should forfeit representation on the council.
Councillor Elias Goldcrown
Punishing High Priestess and Leaders of factions is beyond our ability, nor can we demand the removal of a guilds representative. We do not make the rules of the Council, we follow them.
E.C. Blythe
Councilor Goldcrown,
I ask for clarification about your proposal to remove representation of the third largest fiefdom in the Kingdom and a faith that one of the most powerful in the land. I must misunderstand and you seek to replace the current representative. Surely you grasp that denying part of the kingdom a representative would be ill advised and contrary to the spirit of this council?
Gareth Tylel
The explanations has been received and the advice of the Council of Twelve has been noted by your betters.
Note, his Grace, Duke Obyn, has praised Gareth for his level-headed behavior and his contributions to the peace of this nation. The Temple of Tymora and Helm are chastised for allowing their followers to perform acts of petty banditry in his Grace's lands.
As for the 'moral legitimacy' of Eveningstar, we do indeed understand the plight of his Grace's subjects, but each noble is permitted to rule their lessers as they see fit upon their lands.
If you truly believe in righteous causes, Lathanderite, then you shall do good and risk his Grace's ire- for indeed, if a Lord is King in his domain, what king must ask for help to keep his own peace?
-The High Council
I hope we can put this all to rest. I will gladly work alongside the new Councilor form Eveningstar to unify the Kingdom and this Council.
Raven Targon
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