Gruffman/James Rawen/ Raven Rank 3
- Gruffman has been out there doing stuff, active with a lot of players, and championing the Ravens.
- There are enough players in the faction now that it will be helpful to have a "senior" Raven. Ranks are not like the the other faction so he would not "outrank" them but he would have more influence with the NPCs etc.
[9:35 PM] Primordial: Gruff has done a lot lately too, feel like he has earned something but idk what. Recently has pushed conflict with the malarites along with various other dealings in obyns and his own shady interests. (edited)
- Private room
- 50 gp wage
- Custom item (open to suggestions, greatsword is his weapon of choice or another slot item) I'll have to look at the pc inventory
100% yes
Bailiff's Edge
Carried by the honourable bailiff of Tilverton, in service of the great heroes of the city known as the Ravens. The Bailiff's Edge aids the bailiff whenever they enforce the law of the great duke of Tilverton, Obyn Misrim. Rumours has it, that the blade has been blessed by the Duke himself.Greatsword
+2 vampiric reg (Or 1d4 neg damage)
+3 intimidate
+3 Taunt
OUB: Evil/Neutral -
promoted to rank 3 with custom item, room key and irank adjusted. No wage increase, if one is needed let me know!
@primordial said in Gruffman/James Rawen/ Raven Rank 3:
promoted to rank 3 with custom item, room key and irank adjusted. No wage increase, if one is needed let me know!
Yes. Unless special circumstances wages are 25 then 50 then 75 as promotions are earned.
#dm_setvarint iHourlyWage 50
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