Closed:The Red Gem, aka Heart of the Spirit Neima
Who you calling a savage, ain't my fault your too short to sit at the table with the adults. As for letting sorcerers poke at magical artifacts, that's as bad as asking me to do it.
How "trained" are these blokes in handling anything magical outside of wishing for it to happen and being granted it. Least a wizard read the damn books.
Councillor rawen, tax collector, or whatever name you wish to go by,
It is not my abilities I lack confidence in, it is my interest, which is diminishing as rapidly as my patience. The wild walkers you praise attack us and threaten us along with other various mundanes, they insist on sacrifices to ward off their attacks, yet the Greywatch act as their lackeys, and Obyns finest act as their bodyguards. Furthermore, they copulate with all manner of beasts in the dirt and understand magic no more than the spoon savours the taste of the soup.
Scion Viktoria however holds interest in this gem, so it seems only fair that she be present. It is my hope that she keeps her distance however when the gem is destroyed, and that all the druids and their woodland friends are gathered round and reduced to ashes.
Councillor Elias Goldcrown
Just because you do not understand the customs of another culture, doesn't mean they are savages. We depend upon nature for food, shelter, resources, and so much more. The Wild Walkers are connected with nature, understanding their spirits, cycles, and the natural way of things much better than any of us could ever do. Considering the gem itself came from the Hullack, and was sensed by nature before anyone else, surely it is better to try to learn from them rather than throw insults?
You may have been born with magic, but that doesn't make you an expert of understanding all of it. Magic is a wonderful complex puzzle, which no mortal being can hope to understand completely on their own. It takes collaboration, patience, and proper research to truly learn the wonders around us. That means, we cannot raise our noses at others, just cause they are different from us and differ in their way of thinking.
E.C. Blythe
Give me a list of candidates, and I will gladly speak with each of them. I also welcome any Councilor to approach me. There is only so much you can discuss on paper.
E.C. Blythe
Rumors have reached me of people planning to assault me to steal the gem, so far there has not been any solid evidence put forth to prove these rumors. It may simply be a tactic to bring fear and uncertainty, however I do encourage the Greywatch to investigate this.
E.C. Blythe
In recent days I have been filled with boundless energy, requiring little to no rest. At first it was a struggle to contain the burst of energy in my body, I have now adjusted and must keep myself occupied every hour to not shake, tremble, or have other visible side effects. So far, I am uncertain how this boundless energy from the ring has been created.
E.C. Blythe
Scion Riversnow, as well as Councilor Signe has reviewed the ring. It appears to be an ancient artifact, perhaps linked to the elven empire or the Netherese. Further research into the region is required before the artifact is fully understood, Ms Leonalloud's suggested plan to destroy it will remain on hold whilst we seek more answers on the artifact's origin.
E.C. Blythe
Councilor Blythe,
Do you believe this artifact could in some way be weaponized against our enemies? Perhaps even the war wizards of Cormyr?
Given what we know, it appears to do, award boundless energies to the care taker, large bursts of energy, it appears if paired with a Sorceror they may be a contender for magical superiority in the region.
I must voice that I am now against the destruction of the item.
This is the point I have been making since the start, let us investigate the full potential of this gem before you go throwing it away on the say so of a man who lives in a hedge.
Councilor Elias Goldcrown
Councilor Elias,
Your demands for the Precept to retain ownership of the gem does not inform us on how the Precept would be better suited as its caretaker. List clearly how you would manage it, and how this would in any way change the situation, and we will certainly listen.
How do you propose to use the gem against Arabels enemies? What sort of affect should we expect? Will there be diminishing returns on this? Will it consume the spellcaster?
None of these questions have been proposed nor answered. All you continue to do is talk down to our allies and demand we hand you the gem.
-J. Rawen
Firstly councillor, I am not 'demanding' anything, so watch your tone there is no place for your insinuations here.
Secondly, as I have told you time and time again, I cannot fathom what a gem I have thus far not even been permitted to look at could possibly do. What do you propose I base my assumptions on? I'm 'told' it's necromantic, and that it feeds on blood, not much else. What kind of research do you do where you don't even need to see the subject firsthand?
Show me the gem, allow me to examine it, surround me with your lackeys if you want, and I will be able to answer your questions.
Not before.
Councillor Elias Goldcrown
I have requested Councilor Tylel to look over the matter and offer his insight into it, it is only wise than we investigate the origin of this artifact. Before we do anything drastic.
E.C. Blythe
[The report is exquisite in quillmanship, with elegant strokes and flowing script]
I have never found the workings of Gem attunement captivating enough to devote a significant amount of time to. However, given the uncertain origin and intent of this item, it certainly demands my attention and I will endeavor to make myself available to view the gem.
Gareth Tylel
After last night's events I have a question on this gem.
Why is there a link between Ethel and Miel to it, It seemed to harm her when he dripped blood on it to try and empower it.
Is this link intentional?
Miel held a ritual to Mielikki in the forest which called a dryad.
He asked it about the gem. It seems it was stolen and may be the heart of a spirit called Neima.
Soon after the dryad was slain and corrupted guardians of the forest attacked and drove us out.
It is likely this will get worse until the heart is returned, This Neima is rumoured to be underground but we are unsure where.
We will need to learn more on the spirit to find out where they may be
I am fluent in the language of the fey, so if I can be of aid in this I will make myself available.
Councillor Elias Goldcrown
I consulted with Tilvertons loremaster and have learnt the following of Neima
The root meaning of the name is delightful and kind,
She was once a kind being who cared for the world as if it were own and fell in love with a mortal man, She witnessed calamity over many years and slipped into despair to become as she is now
Other stories say she can take the form of an undead monstrosity.
Unfortunately there was no information on which region they resided in
Since the creation of the ring, I tied my essence to it to protect Mr Shepard from any possible failure on my side in its creation. This meant, that the draining and discomfort was directed at myself rather than Mr Shepard. It also ensured that whilst my body felt an addiction to feed the gem, I was unable to do so, since it was not in my possession. As time went by, the side effects became stronger and stronger, and thus Mr Shepard decided we needed to remove the link. As destroying it would had meant certain death for myself.
With the aid of Councilor Tylel, a ritual was prepared to move the link from myself to my familiar. Since it was a private event, and a delicate operation. Councilor Tylel and I agreed that the safest place to conduct the ritual, was in the training facilities in the palace. The most well warded of all rooms, whilst ensuring that the door was kept closed.
Councilor Tylel lead the ritual, with the aid of Luckbringer Moonsilver, and Ms Venelope. Whilst Mr Shepard was assigned to keep me alive, I was unable to do much, due to the painful onslaught. At first it was merely myself who suffered, the removal painful as if my soul was being torn apart. Sadly Councilor Tylel's concentration faltered, as people entered and opened the door despite strict instructions to not do so. The rite was compromised, but with his last breath, Councilor Tylel managed to complete it. At the cost of his own life.
The link moved to my familiar, and it should naturally move over to Mr Shepard as time passes. Allowing more time, before the side effects which plagued me and almost cost me my life, and took the life of Councilor Tylel, causes Mr Shepard to suffers a similar fate. All of this, is thanks to Councilor Tylel, who I will forever be in debt to. After the completion, rather than deal with those who interrupted the delicate operation, we chose to pay Councilor Tylel his final respect before the Shrine of the Red Knight. It was painful to say goodbye to a man which had meant so much to me, but I will not forsake his sacrifice, as he gave me the greatest gift a friend could ever do. The will to live.
E.C. Blythe
Whilst I know that Councilor Tylel gave his life freely to complete the ritual, and save me in the process. I shall never forgive the neglect and disrespected by Pierre Cambrian, whose reckless behavior disrupted the ritual and lead to Councilor Tylel having to give his life for the ritual's completion. It never needed to cost him his life, but the lack of respect of the arcane, and lack of understanding of its delicate balance, meant that it did. Whilst I should wish it had been me whose life was taken, I will not entertain such thought and disrespect Councilor Tylel's sacrifice.
Ignorance has cost us dearly, not only me, but the kingdom as a whole.
Please, let us not make the same mistake again. There must be change.E.C. Blythe
Councillor Ethel,
You are carrying and redistributing contraband items, a necromantic artefact that alters the functioning of the soul, tainting it, essentially to the point of altering the individuals free will.
You have also partook in rituals that have manipulated the soul, possibly by their very design, linking your soul to this gem.
A councillor held in high esteem by those of the twelve has lost his life trying to undo your soul link, in order to save your wretched soul such as it is. In many eyes this may be seen as murder, as you caused his death through your careless use of the weave.
Ethel Blythe, these are serious and numerous crimes and I will shortly be calling to a vote that you are removed from this council for these crimes.
Further I wish to request that the gem itself, the true gem and not some elaborate hoax, is placed within the care of the Precept Arcanum, that Scion Viktoria Riversnow can study its power, and that its threat to the region may be eliminated before any further lives are lost.
Councillor Elias Goldcrown