Valtyra / Dawnknight / Sunny
@Valkyrie said in A report Submitted to High Dawnknight Myrkyr:
The Dawnsquire Valtyra has shown great promise in service with the Aster. She adheres to her duties with a strict Discipline and embraces the idea of redemption. Yet when called her blade strikes swiftly against the darkness. Her wisdom as even been a blessing to myself in my own path. Her course and her walk with Lathander are set in truth and are blessed with Light. As I am sure you are aware. I truly believe this is Lathander's destiny for this Squire that she be raised to Dawnknight and then perhaps she can even pursue finding a squire of her own to boost the sanctity and safety of Lathander's faith, his Order, and our home Eveningstar. Also now with her holding a chair at council she holds a diplomatic spot on behalf of Eveningstar and the Order of The Aster. She has more than earned such just rewards.
You are truly blessed to have one such as her High Dawnknight.
Dawnlord Jadzia Sunguard.
- Helped Jadiza not fall from Lathander's grace
- Jumped right into the Council fists up, defending Eveningstar
- Low play time, but kept it impactful and fun
- Rolled with a lot of punches
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