[Onhold]Lobo /Mikul Vect/ Subrace - Cansin
Topic: Lobo /Mikul Vect/ Subrace/Cansin
1). Human - Cansin/Fighter/Chaotic Good/4/Mikul Vect
2). Cansin (+2 int, +2 cha)Acid 5/-. Fire 5/-
+2 Bluff/ +2 Search
Cast Entropic Shield (5) 1/day
3). Mikul is looking for family and belonging. He wants to have a group of people that he can have be a grounding center for his chaotic nature and keep him from wondering away from so many other places. He will eventually set his sights on House Summerstar, seeing it as a perfect place for him to set the roots for his future.
He has the itch to go exploring, and does not like to be kept from finding places to delve into. If there is a dark crevasse with possibility behind it, he just may prod at it.
He dosent like politics, as politics is standing around, and that's boring. Why stand around when there is action that can be taken? After all action is what helps people, not these sill words.//he plans on retiring Dextar if this gets approved.//
//First time filling out a app for a sub race. Will try again if unsatisfactory//
only lobo republic — Today at 5:00 PM
Need anything else for the app?
Lord_Acererak — Today at 6:03 PM
lookn' it over now :slight_smile:
only lobo republic — Today at 6:03 PM
im in character creation
Lord_Acererak — Today at 6:04 PM
looks alright to me, i'll post it
you need an admin to set the subrace up, just give us a day to see if there are any questions?
aaah 1 question comes to mind
only lobo republic — Today at 6:05 PM
kk. i can just ahve them sit in the starting area right?
Lord_Acererak — Today at 6:05 PM
yeah thats fine
is this character gonna replace dex?
usually app characters supersede alts and whatnot. its just something that will get asked, figure i'll ask now
only lobo republic — Today at 6:07 PM
From my perspective, Dex's situation is fucked. He has no reason to continue for the city. So Dex will be leaving when this gets approved. Not killed off, hes going to go live else where and leave the fuck fest behind
besides...i think he already made his bang -
My main concern is if he will be able to handle being treated as a freak, since its conflict prone to be a subrace.
Puffy — Today at 16:33
Hey just a question about the app, will you be alright with the treatment your PC will get for being what the general population regards as a freak?
Being of a subrace means you'll be treated differently, and conflict may spur from it.
only lobo republic — Today at 16:35
Conflict is fine, so long as they don't get straight up attacked for it. I thought cansin looked human though
Puffy — Today at 16:36
Cansins have little odd features to them and chaos occured wherever they are
You may be straight up attacked
Depends on other players and NPCs in the end :slight_smile:
Just wanna make sure you're aware of the risk
only lobo republic — Today at 16:39
Sounds like this is still going to be a semi focus character then. Was hoping to avoid that for a while. alright I'm fine with it. Just know I need to resolve the finding the relic thing with calatha first before I can retire Dex. I want dex to leave arabel rather than just die
I know it's my fault, but his story has just got too depressing for me
I want a semi optimistic end for him
So if this new character gets approved likly will be at least a week or two before I play him. Need to resolve the relic quest first
Puffy — Today at 17:01
Just apply again when you are ready to play then :slight_smile:
only lobo republic — Today at 17:03
I have the character set up already, just needs the race applied. Just won't play him till the quest is done. But if you want me to reapply later that's fine to. His goals won't be changing
Puffy — Today at 17:03
Just ping a DM when you want to apply and play
only lobo republic — Today at 17:03
Kk -
"just know I need you to run a DM event for me and guarantee I "win" it as well before I retire my character with a happy ending"
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on