miscreant behavior - tiefling - Eris
A (demonic) tiefling sorceress whose sanity is questionable and her magic is as chaotic as her Discordian ideology.
She pursues a living as an embodiment of pure chaos, transcending the artificial concepts of order and disorder and placing a far wider frame on her window's view of reality.
She rejects the existence of absolute Truth, often openly mocking higher powers, only placing her faith in the meta-belief that belief is a tool for achieving effects.---addtional
"In combat I'll be trying to use magic in an uncontrolled (targetting, spell choice for situation) and in rp I'll be attempting stuff that I have no guaranteed way of succedding, but will try to carry through with pure belief"
doesnt MB have a werecat? https://nodebb.cityofarabel.com/topic/53530/set-miscreantbehaviour-pythia-dougenis-subrace-werecat/8
She quit the pc once Samb abandoned his.
I asked for clarity on the chaotic roleplay part. (demonic bloodline)
"In combat I'll be trying to use magic in an uncontrolled (targetting, spell choice for situation) and in rp I'll be attempting stuff that I have no guaranteed way of succedding, but will try to carry through with pure belief"
Satisfies requirements.
Looks to have been set up.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on